It was technically not our "first Christmas" but it was our first married, which did change some things. I had to work Christmas eve which meant through out the holiday I was slightly tired, but I was able to enjoy most of the holidays.
I came off orientation the week of Christmas. WhooHooo! I thought the doors were going to bust wide open, but thank the Lord it didn't. I am still learning, but making it. I am still having trouble remembering to do certain things which forced me to write everything down in a flip notebook I started back when I started orientation. I didn't need it while I was on orientation cause I constantly had someone going behind me to make sure I didn't forget anything. Not the case when your "on your own". But the great thing about where I work is that I am never alone. I work with wonderful, smart nurses and techs. And even if I get on their nerves sometimes with all my questions and cries for help.... they are always there. I have learned so much from them.
So I got a sewing machine for Christmas....I know its completely random. We have some extra money right now and I got this sudden urge to buy one. So I started researching and found the one I wanted. Well...Eric saw that I had been looking at them and bought it for me!!

I have always been interested in learning to sew. I dont know why....I guess I just like creating things and giving them to people and hear them ask "did you make this??"
This sewing machine actually out of all those above things kinda intimidates the point that I haven't even taken it out of the box yet because just looking at the box intimidates me. I am looking for something to fill my spare time. Since we dont have any children and I am off 3-4 days a week, it gets kinda boring. There are only so many times you can clean the house and so many hours you can lay in the bed. So I am attempting to tap into my creative side and learn something new. I have a few goals for the new year and this is my first!!