Friday, August 19, 2011

I am thankful for...

Today I am thankful for.....

  • SLEEP!!! Yesterday I offered to work and have saturday off instead.....BAD decision on sooo many levels. I have been off for a week and taken a nap everyday......except yesterday. I laid there for 3 hrs with no luck. Add to the fact that it was buck wild at work last was just bad. By 4am i was delirious and by 8 am when I left....lets just put it this way....i am surprised I made it home cause I fell asleep like twice while driving. Thats totally going to make my mom freak out. 
  • DVR- so I don't miss any of my reality TV
  • My husband. He may drive me nuts, but he works hard for our family and puts up with all of my shenanigans. Don't bee fooled....i put up with his too.
  • My co workers. They put up with all of my shenanigans as well.
  • Rain- I love the could rain 3 out of 5 days of the week and that would be perfectly fine with me. Especially if its the 3 days I work ;)
  • Iced coffe and McDonalds mango pineapple smoothy. soo yummy. It's my treat for going to work. 
  • Hot water showers....nothing better after a long night at work
  • Knox is finally going to the door when he has to pee instead of popping a swat where ever he pleases.
  • this makes me laugh every time CLICK HERE!!.....SO MUCH GLITTER!!!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

This Morning.....

There was a new song video debut on GMA this morning by Martina McBride, as you probably know, anchor Robin Roberts is a breast cancer survivor and is featured in the video. It is a song about breast cancer and and the people who helped them through it....but I think it can apply to anyone who knows someone who has survived cancer, had a family member with cancer, or lost someone to cancer.  It can happen to anyone, any age, any race, either gender. So I wanted to share it with everyone
Click HERE to see the video. Enjoy! I hope it touches you like it touched me!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Great things happening!!

These last two and a half weeks have been crazy!! As you probably all ready know Eric got a job!! Yay!!! We have not got the chance to take pictures....but its pretty cool. I mean, I would want to be in that class. He has some challenges to say the least. I glad its him that wanted to teach and not me.....thats all I am going to say about that. Can you guess what movie thats from???

Knox is growing on me. I do love him, but I guess I didn't want the responsibility of a puppy. They are work!! Potty training is what keeps driving me nuts. But he has gotten better. I think its been a few days since an accident. I guess I really can't complain. The only think he has ruined in my house is a rug that I was ready to get rid of anyway....he just made me do it sooner.

Today is the first day of school for college! I am so glad to not be joining you. But in my defense I worked my butt off for four years!! I told someone the other day that if I had to walk into the CSU library, or see another flash card ever again I might just throw up. But it WAS WORTH it. We are not rich because we went to college, but I don't know where we would be at without it. So if you are going to school today, wondering when its ever going to end, or why you are going in the first place, take it from someone who did hardly nothing, and went hardly no where for four years with out a notebook or flash cards in is worth it. This too shall end. You will be better off with it. I promise. =)

Side note. I know about 4 families who are adopting here lately. Thank goodness for adoption. People don't realize how many couples would go without having children and how many children would be in foster care if it were not for adoption. Also what the couples go through to have a child. The expenses, the unknown, and the heartbreak. I went to a baby shower for someone who adopted. Hearing her story of what they went through was heart wrenching. Not going into specifics but I have never met a person more fitting to be a mom, and had the best attitude in know that the lord had a plan in everything that happened to them. What faith. I wish I could be more like that.

Wanted to end this by wishing me mother-in-law happy birthday!! Happy Birthday Judy!!! Happy Monday!