Saturday, October 12, 2013

10 questions!

So I'm sure if you have any interest in reading this silly blog of mine I'm sure you already know that I'm pregnant!! I'll be 14 weeks tomorrow. One thing I have learned from being pregnant so far is that people are VERY excited, curious, and ask you a lot of all the time. Which is fine...I don't mind. I would rather be the one answering the questions instead of asking them. Being that my job involves a constant revolving door of pregnant women I try not to ask a lot of questions because I know they get the same one all the when they get to me I have enough questions to ask them.... Most of the same exact ones everyone else has been asking her the entire pregnancy!! So here it goes. 10 questions of all the things you might be wondering....or not.

  1. How are you feeling?  Well compared to how I know I could be feeling I feel great. Only time I feel really bad is early in the morning right when I get up, or if I get hungry. I am pretty much hungry all the time.... that has been worse then anything else! I feel like i eat all the time!!

   2. When are you due? Well technically when ever baby decides it is....but April 13 is the official 40 week date. Of course I pray baby doesn't come early and comes after 38 weeks.

  3. When do you find out what it is? On baby's birthday....thats right....on baby's birthday... yes people still do that. It's not as uncommon as you think. 

  4. Why are you not finding out what it is? Because its more fun that way! And because I can!! No, for real, I feel like its one of those things God gives us that we have no control over and finding out what it is isn't going to change anything. We still love an want this baby despite if its a boy or a girl. Plus we are not pink or blue people. We are color and modern and it wouldn't matter either way. I want to focus on getting the things that I will need and could reuse again for future babies instead of getting everything in pink or blue, which I feel would happen if we knew.
Also, this is a compromise between Eric and I. He wants to know but since we are both a stickler for names I have given up rights to the name for this wonderful surprise. 

  5.  How are you going to connect and talk to your baby if you dont know what it is??  REALLY?? I was kinda taken back when a patient's family member asked me this..... Well women have not known the sex of their baby for MANY, MANY, MANY years and they all turned out ok. My mom didn't know what me or my sister was and we are ok. It's not that serious. I still talk and sing and connect with my baby now and even if we were finding out I wouldn't know what it was at this point. Thats not going to change. I just can't call it by name... I call it peanut or Baby C.  

 6. What are you going to do the room in?  It's called gender neutral people :) It's possible! We haven't landed on anything particular yet but anyone who knows me knows I LOVE elephants and giraffes. I also sold Eric on it so it's definitely going to have both of those things worked into the theme. Plus we can always add girlish or boyish accessories in later. It's going to be us, and thats all that matters!

  7. Are you showing?  Well, some days I feel "bigger" then others. I looked down yesterday and there was a bump. But if you didn't know any better you would think I just had a muffin top! Ha! I feel like the "muffin top" is getting bigger by the day though 

  8. Are you going to work at St. Francis? This is a clear and big NO! I prayed for many months and even ended up applying praying that if that was where I was supposed to go the Lord would put me there. I was given my answer and it was no. I am a firm believer that you should ask God a question if you are not ready for his answer, even if its not what you want, or thinking you want. The door simply didn't open for me and I'm and completely content with that. And here is why. I got the email in June that I would not be getting an interview. I got pregnant in July, found out in August. If I would have gotten and excepted a job there I would have lost all of my time off and had to go probably around a month with out pay. 
Another reason I think the door did not open for me is I feel like I still have more to learn. Working at Doctors I didn't deal with a ton of high risk patients and hardly any preterm patients. I still have never done a delivery with multiples. These are all things I will get experience with at Midtown Medical (formally the Medical Center) and probably never have to deal with at St. Francis. I'm excited. One thing I have learned as a nurse is that you can never stop learning. There will always be something more you can learn. I am still a "young" nurse, so this will be good for me. I start on Monday! This being said, St. Francis is going to have a beautiful facility with some great nurses just like the Medical Center. Either way I feel like you almost cant go wrong either place you go. ;)

  9. Where are you going to deliver? Midtown Medical. I don't think I have to explain this one. 

 10.  Are you sure your not going to find out what it is? I already know what it is...its a baby :) and yes. I'm positive. You will have to wait and ponder just like us!! 
One to grow on.... 

  11. Do you have any names? Really this is a question for Eric, but yes we have a girl name. No boy name just yet he is still deciding. We are not going to share them for a while I think. We might just wait for the birth the tell that too!

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

To everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven Ecclesiastes 3:!

Can I just say.... I hate change....Ok its not necessarily that I hate it. I guess afraid it a better word. Afraid of losing what I have, even if its not working. Afraid of the it going to be an easy tradition, one I find better and not as bad as I thought, or is it going to be challenging and difficult for me to find my place and to catch on.  And the weird thing about it is that you can know its coming and still be surprised when it happens no matter how long you knew about it. It always seems to sneak up on you. Before you know it its here and you can no longer escape it and you have no choice but to confront it.....Either way.... it all SUCKS!! (my mother hates that word) The reality in life is....change is inevitable....its going to happen.
I remember right before I got married I was so ready to move and start the next phase in my life, live on my own finally be completely independent (what the heck was I thinking??!!) As the months turned into weeks and the weeks turned into days I still had not packed my room to move.... I couldn't do it. I realized I would never have my own room again, never have my own space, my own bed, my own was weird.... and I not packing. Like that was going to stop it from happening. My best friend ha to come and MAKE me pack. Actually I think she ended up doing most of it!!! lol!!
Change is about to happen in my life again. I have resisted it for about a year, denying it was happening or coming.....but it has. I can no longer resist. I would be lying if I said I wasn't worried or afraid of whats to come or how this will change my everyday life. I just don't know. What I do know is that resisting the change is only going to make me more stressed and afraid. I know the Lord is in control and he will put me in the position that I am supposed to be in to do the most good for his kingdom. I am a servant for him and by trade so where ever I can serve him most, is where I will be.
If you are resisting change in your life, give it to the Lord. He tells us not to worry but to trust in him. Believe me, I know thats easier said then done.
When I was ending nursing school I was literally getting to the point where I thought I was losing my mind. I was getting married 3 weeks after graduation, I had finals, exit exams and boards to study for and pass. If I did not pass the exit exam it meant Eric and I could not go on our honeymoon that was already paid was serious. And I seriously thought I was about to LOSE IT!!! I got to a point where I just had to stop. I had to put down the books, know that everything that was learned had been learned and there was nothing else I could do but pray. And pray I did. I also asked others to pray for me, which I hardly ever do. Every time I thought about it I prayed. Guess what??? He did it, because Lord knows I couldn't do alone! I was mentally done! But I passed....not with flying colors....but I passed!! So today thats what I do. When I start to panic on the inside I say a little pray to myself to calm down and know who in control of this mess of a world I live in. He has the perfect plan for all of our lives. I hope I can continue to remember this.

Monday, June 3, 2013

2006 wasn't that long ago!

All of these graduations lately have me thinking of my own..... a whole 7 years ago! I was so excited to finally be done with school, and move on with what I was planning to do.....NURSING! I was tired of the structure, and the dang bell dictating my days. I was tired of trying to find a parking spot every morning and trying my best to not get sideswiped by a bus, or a car (which actually did happen eventually). Tired of making sure I had clothes for band and dinner theater everyday. I was even tired of some of the people. Luckily I wasnt one of those girls that was in a ton of drama....but I had my fair share. I was just done.....and tired!
What I didn't realize was the hardest part was yet to come. I wasn't one of those kids that made all A's...I made pretty much As and Bs (with a few Cs due to one particular, god awful, ridiculous teacher who shall not be named....but was later fired). But.....I didn't study a whole lot. You should have seen what happened when I did that in college!!! Lets just say it didn't work! I worked my but off in Human Anatomy....I studied ALL THE TIME!! I didn't go anywhere without flash cards and books! It was ridiculous!!! I was in the lab with my dead cat many nights when my friends were else where. It did not come easy for me.
All that stuff that I was so ready to get rid of in high school I would have done all over again, and again, and again!! As you can tell my 4 years in college were not very fun. I was so ready to be an adult and more independent and away from all the structure...but after I got away from it I craved it! In most college classes you are simply a very rarely are known by your name, or have relationship with your professors (except in nursing school...different world....they were great!) They could care less if your late, if you did your work, if you wore your pajamas or a ball one cared. Some teachers would let you in late, some would shut the door in your face and not think twice (true story....saw it happen....not to me of course) It's just a different world you get thrusted into with out really any warning.
Even now as a married, 25 year old, with a career, and a mortgage and hopefully a growing family soon I still dont feel like an adult.  And the crazy thing is all those years I was wanting to grow up I didn't realize I had the entire rest of my life to be adult like!!
So, for my two favorite graduates Savannah and Justin (and let me just say I used to consider these two the "little" kids I would hang out with...not so little anymore. They are pretty much my equals now) live your life for the now! You are never going to be 18 again and you have a lot of adult years ahead. Decisions and problems are now going to be for you to take care of a figure out on your own with out the help of your parents to guide you or to do it for you.... and it stinks.  Eric and I are so proud of y'all! We know you both are going to do great things!!
Also, today is my sister's 22 birthday!!Happy Birthday Melissa! Hope you have a great day!!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Quarter of a Century old...When did this happen??

Thats right I turn 25. My car insurance is lower and i officially and no longer in my "early twenties" CRAZY!! So in celebration of my birth I give you
"25 things you may or may have not known about Dara Alizabeth (Davies) Crouch!!"
  1. I was born in Germany at 7:41 am on April 4, 1988....but technically here in the US is was 11:41 pm on April I really have 2 birthdays. I have been trying to tell my mom this for years that I REALLY have 2 "birthdays" and both should be equally celebrated....she, however, disagrees.
  2. My mother named me...yup blame her for the fact that it took you 10 times to learn the correct pronunciation of my name....and for the miss pronunciation of my name at my high school  graduation. 
  3. I have a small obsession with cake, pizza, and bread.....and elephants and owls.
  4. I wasn't, what I would consider, popular in high school. But I knew just about everybody.
  5. I played basketball in the 9th grade....true story....look it up. I didn't say I was good. I just said I played...more like kept the bench warm! HA!
  6. If I ever come across a lot of money I want to buy my own zoo....or maybe a farm..... It just has to have an elephant....named Betsy
  7. I love camping. Wish Eric did.
  8. I love to travel. Put me on a plane and let me go!
  9. I wish I could live at Hogwarts!! 
  10. Speaking of Hogwarts I have read every Harry Potter book at least 2 times....some of them 3 times. 
  11. My favorite sport is Quidditch....ok I know.... I'm a little obsessed...I dont really have a favorite sport. But I prefer football, baseball, or basketball. 
  12. I have wanted to deliver babies since I was 9 years old. There is pretty much nothing else I ever wanted to do....ok maybe at one point in time I wanted to be a teacher and a the same time.
  13. I still have terrible dreams, most consisting of being in school and showing up to finals without having gone to class.....I have been out of high school and 7 years and college for 3. Crazy stuff. 
  14. My dream trip would be to Europe. I have wanted to go since I first found out about Princess Diana when I was about 8 I guess and wanted to go to England....but why I'm there I would want to  go to Paris and Rome
  15. That being said, I have an slight obsession with the Royal family. I actually own the Royal wedding on dvd.....I know....Its weird. Don't judge.
  16. My earliest memories consist of my Dad coming home from Desert Storm. Then visiting my sister in the hospital when she was born. I took her a pink elephant of course! 
  17. I have a terrible habit of collecting water bottles on my night stand. Well, really drinking cups in general. It drives eric nuts!
  18. I used to HATE being tall....I mean HATE!!! I couldn't stand that every guy I liked/dated was shorter then me. Plus all my friends were shorter and cuter then my tall lanky self and they didn't have to worry about finding a guy taller then them.Then I met Eric. Now I wouldn't trade being tall to be short any day of the week. Yall can have that!
  19. I hate washing dishes. So glad I met a man that can't stand a dirty sink so that I dont have to do the dishes!
  20. I have only had 4 jobs since 16. I can honestly say I have learned something from each of them that makes me a better person/employee today. 
  21. I'd rather be at the beach then the mountains. 
  22. I was supposed to join the Air Force or Army after high school and go to nursing school from there...but for some reason I thought that because I wanted to deliver babies, they would not make me deploy....till I realized the Air force/Army wouldn't care what I wanted and I would more then likely get deployed. Yeah...there went that plan
  23. Not too many things make me cry, but show me a slideshow of pictures paired with a sappy song, and the tears will flow. 
  24. I learned to cook mostly from Pintrest....thank GOD for Pintrest!!!
  25. I am super excited about planting and caring for my very first garden this year!! If I can ever get Eric to get it tilled up!
There you go....25 useless tid bits of info you never thought you even needed to know. =)
This year has taught me a lot. I started paying attention to my health more then ever. I did something I never thought I would ever do, and ran a half marathon....I don't think the word "run" or "marathon" was ever in my vocabulary before. I have learned that I don't have to jump on a bandwagon to be happy. I am taking life as it comes and appreciating what I have now. I love the fact that I can sleep till noon if I want to, and if I still don't want to get off the couch till 3pm I don't have too!! So many of my friends don't have this option anymore, and although I would like to join their club soon, I am taking advantage of the life I have while it last.
Right now I am currently eating frozen pizza and watching Kortney and Kim take Miami and then Nashville and 19 kids and counting on DVR....cant get enough of those Duggers! Eric has class tonight, and since I had to work last night I slept most of the day. Also, i rained today, which on your wedding day is a sign of good luck....wonder if it applies to birthdays?!
Happy Birthday to ME!!!

Monday, March 4, 2013

Dear Lord...

I dont do this a whole lot. Like I've said before, I don't like to put all of my problems on Facebook or look for sympathy, or attention. But I have been dealing with a lot lately health wise and with life in general.  Health wise, on the outside, it seems like I have never been healthier, but on the inside my blood levels are sorta out of whack. I miss going to the doctor and them telling me that there is nothing wrong with my levels. At one point after leaving a doctors appointment upset and crying cause she basically scared me into thinking I could be in some serious trouble with my kidneys.  I just came home and didn't get out of bed till it was time to go back to work the next night. But after talking to a few coworkers and my midwife I decided to go see a different physician. After seeing him I realized its probably not as bad as that other doctor made it out to be. After a few more test I may be cleared from seeing this doctor, which make me very happy and able to move on with some plans we have for the summer ;) I have been trying to remember that the Lord has my health in his hands. I am lucky and blessed, after everything I have been tested for, every thing has come back negative. I try to think of my friend Lisa when she was told her 3year old son had cancer and needed a bone marrow transplant, and after watching her son dealing with and then beating cancer, having her own health scare. Or my co worker Miranda who fought and beat breast cancer. Or this poor boy a lot of people have seen on Facebook, Tripp Halstead. He was at daycare and a dead limb fell out of a tree and hit him in the head. That was 4 months ago and he has been in the hospital ever since with serious brain injury. Reading her updates and everything they have been through is heartbreaking. But they praise the Lord for his achievements and his good days, and trust and pray when he has set backs. Then I realize, I am BLESSED! I look at three women, and these two boys and know that I am not so bad off after all. It could always be worse....and guess day we are all going to have something!
ITP wise I dont have to go back till MAY!! YAY! The longest I have gone so far before having to see my hematologist Dr. Nukula!
There are a few other things going on in life that is making things complicating and stressful. Things that I cant really go into detail with. I know it is so annoying when people say that.....its like why tell people about it if you really cant tell them about it.....but really, I can't. Just know that Eric and I are currently going through some life changes and having to make decisions on what and where to go next and waiting for that this chapter to close and another to open and trying to trust the lord through everything that is happening and trusting in his plan and his timing because it is perfect and I am NOT! So if you have some space in your prayers say one for me. I know in the end God has complete control. So I give it all to him!