Thursday, April 4, 2013

Quarter of a Century old...When did this happen??

Thats right I turn 25. My car insurance is lower and i officially and no longer in my "early twenties" CRAZY!! So in celebration of my birth I give you
"25 things you may or may have not known about Dara Alizabeth (Davies) Crouch!!"
  1. I was born in Germany at 7:41 am on April 4, 1988....but technically here in the US is was 11:41 pm on April I really have 2 birthdays. I have been trying to tell my mom this for years that I REALLY have 2 "birthdays" and both should be equally celebrated....she, however, disagrees.
  2. My mother named me...yup blame her for the fact that it took you 10 times to learn the correct pronunciation of my name....and for the miss pronunciation of my name at my high school  graduation. 
  3. I have a small obsession with cake, pizza, and bread.....and elephants and owls.
  4. I wasn't, what I would consider, popular in high school. But I knew just about everybody.
  5. I played basketball in the 9th grade....true story....look it up. I didn't say I was good. I just said I played...more like kept the bench warm! HA!
  6. If I ever come across a lot of money I want to buy my own zoo....or maybe a farm..... It just has to have an elephant....named Betsy
  7. I love camping. Wish Eric did.
  8. I love to travel. Put me on a plane and let me go!
  9. I wish I could live at Hogwarts!! 
  10. Speaking of Hogwarts I have read every Harry Potter book at least 2 times....some of them 3 times. 
  11. My favorite sport is Quidditch....ok I know.... I'm a little obsessed...I dont really have a favorite sport. But I prefer football, baseball, or basketball. 
  12. I have wanted to deliver babies since I was 9 years old. There is pretty much nothing else I ever wanted to do....ok maybe at one point in time I wanted to be a teacher and a the same time.
  13. I still have terrible dreams, most consisting of being in school and showing up to finals without having gone to class.....I have been out of high school and 7 years and college for 3. Crazy stuff. 
  14. My dream trip would be to Europe. I have wanted to go since I first found out about Princess Diana when I was about 8 I guess and wanted to go to England....but why I'm there I would want to  go to Paris and Rome
  15. That being said, I have an slight obsession with the Royal family. I actually own the Royal wedding on dvd.....I know....Its weird. Don't judge.
  16. My earliest memories consist of my Dad coming home from Desert Storm. Then visiting my sister in the hospital when she was born. I took her a pink elephant of course! 
  17. I have a terrible habit of collecting water bottles on my night stand. Well, really drinking cups in general. It drives eric nuts!
  18. I used to HATE being tall....I mean HATE!!! I couldn't stand that every guy I liked/dated was shorter then me. Plus all my friends were shorter and cuter then my tall lanky self and they didn't have to worry about finding a guy taller then them.Then I met Eric. Now I wouldn't trade being tall to be short any day of the week. Yall can have that!
  19. I hate washing dishes. So glad I met a man that can't stand a dirty sink so that I dont have to do the dishes!
  20. I have only had 4 jobs since 16. I can honestly say I have learned something from each of them that makes me a better person/employee today. 
  21. I'd rather be at the beach then the mountains. 
  22. I was supposed to join the Air Force or Army after high school and go to nursing school from there...but for some reason I thought that because I wanted to deliver babies, they would not make me deploy....till I realized the Air force/Army wouldn't care what I wanted and I would more then likely get deployed. Yeah...there went that plan
  23. Not too many things make me cry, but show me a slideshow of pictures paired with a sappy song, and the tears will flow. 
  24. I learned to cook mostly from Pintrest....thank GOD for Pintrest!!!
  25. I am super excited about planting and caring for my very first garden this year!! If I can ever get Eric to get it tilled up!
There you go....25 useless tid bits of info you never thought you even needed to know. =)
This year has taught me a lot. I started paying attention to my health more then ever. I did something I never thought I would ever do, and ran a half marathon....I don't think the word "run" or "marathon" was ever in my vocabulary before. I have learned that I don't have to jump on a bandwagon to be happy. I am taking life as it comes and appreciating what I have now. I love the fact that I can sleep till noon if I want to, and if I still don't want to get off the couch till 3pm I don't have too!! So many of my friends don't have this option anymore, and although I would like to join their club soon, I am taking advantage of the life I have while it last.
Right now I am currently eating frozen pizza and watching Kortney and Kim take Miami and then Nashville and 19 kids and counting on DVR....cant get enough of those Duggers! Eric has class tonight, and since I had to work last night I slept most of the day. Also, i rained today, which on your wedding day is a sign of good luck....wonder if it applies to birthdays?!
Happy Birthday to ME!!!