Saturday, October 12, 2013

10 questions!

So I'm sure if you have any interest in reading this silly blog of mine I'm sure you already know that I'm pregnant!! I'll be 14 weeks tomorrow. One thing I have learned from being pregnant so far is that people are VERY excited, curious, and ask you a lot of all the time. Which is fine...I don't mind. I would rather be the one answering the questions instead of asking them. Being that my job involves a constant revolving door of pregnant women I try not to ask a lot of questions because I know they get the same one all the when they get to me I have enough questions to ask them.... Most of the same exact ones everyone else has been asking her the entire pregnancy!! So here it goes. 10 questions of all the things you might be wondering....or not.

  1. How are you feeling?  Well compared to how I know I could be feeling I feel great. Only time I feel really bad is early in the morning right when I get up, or if I get hungry. I am pretty much hungry all the time.... that has been worse then anything else! I feel like i eat all the time!!

   2. When are you due? Well technically when ever baby decides it is....but April 13 is the official 40 week date. Of course I pray baby doesn't come early and comes after 38 weeks.

  3. When do you find out what it is? On baby's birthday....thats right....on baby's birthday... yes people still do that. It's not as uncommon as you think. 

  4. Why are you not finding out what it is? Because its more fun that way! And because I can!! No, for real, I feel like its one of those things God gives us that we have no control over and finding out what it is isn't going to change anything. We still love an want this baby despite if its a boy or a girl. Plus we are not pink or blue people. We are color and modern and it wouldn't matter either way. I want to focus on getting the things that I will need and could reuse again for future babies instead of getting everything in pink or blue, which I feel would happen if we knew.
Also, this is a compromise between Eric and I. He wants to know but since we are both a stickler for names I have given up rights to the name for this wonderful surprise. 

  5.  How are you going to connect and talk to your baby if you dont know what it is??  REALLY?? I was kinda taken back when a patient's family member asked me this..... Well women have not known the sex of their baby for MANY, MANY, MANY years and they all turned out ok. My mom didn't know what me or my sister was and we are ok. It's not that serious. I still talk and sing and connect with my baby now and even if we were finding out I wouldn't know what it was at this point. Thats not going to change. I just can't call it by name... I call it peanut or Baby C.  

 6. What are you going to do the room in?  It's called gender neutral people :) It's possible! We haven't landed on anything particular yet but anyone who knows me knows I LOVE elephants and giraffes. I also sold Eric on it so it's definitely going to have both of those things worked into the theme. Plus we can always add girlish or boyish accessories in later. It's going to be us, and thats all that matters!

  7. Are you showing?  Well, some days I feel "bigger" then others. I looked down yesterday and there was a bump. But if you didn't know any better you would think I just had a muffin top! Ha! I feel like the "muffin top" is getting bigger by the day though 

  8. Are you going to work at St. Francis? This is a clear and big NO! I prayed for many months and even ended up applying praying that if that was where I was supposed to go the Lord would put me there. I was given my answer and it was no. I am a firm believer that you should ask God a question if you are not ready for his answer, even if its not what you want, or thinking you want. The door simply didn't open for me and I'm and completely content with that. And here is why. I got the email in June that I would not be getting an interview. I got pregnant in July, found out in August. If I would have gotten and excepted a job there I would have lost all of my time off and had to go probably around a month with out pay. 
Another reason I think the door did not open for me is I feel like I still have more to learn. Working at Doctors I didn't deal with a ton of high risk patients and hardly any preterm patients. I still have never done a delivery with multiples. These are all things I will get experience with at Midtown Medical (formally the Medical Center) and probably never have to deal with at St. Francis. I'm excited. One thing I have learned as a nurse is that you can never stop learning. There will always be something more you can learn. I am still a "young" nurse, so this will be good for me. I start on Monday! This being said, St. Francis is going to have a beautiful facility with some great nurses just like the Medical Center. Either way I feel like you almost cant go wrong either place you go. ;)

  9. Where are you going to deliver? Midtown Medical. I don't think I have to explain this one. 

 10.  Are you sure your not going to find out what it is? I already know what it is...its a baby :) and yes. I'm positive. You will have to wait and ponder just like us!! 
One to grow on.... 

  11. Do you have any names? Really this is a question for Eric, but yes we have a girl name. No boy name just yet he is still deciding. We are not going to share them for a while I think. We might just wait for the birth the tell that too!