1. If my house was on fire and I could only grab 3 things I would grab umm....lets see....my purse, my birth certificate (why you ask?? apparently because I was born in Germany my birth certificate is unreplaceable....imagine that), and my cat....whom at that point in time i am sure I will be unsuccessful in catching.
2. A smell I really like is fresh cut grass, rubbing alcohol, and garlic
3. Something you might not know about me is i enjoy a challenge. Tell me something is hard and that I cant do it and I can pretty much prove to you I can. Been doing it most of my life.
4. Some of my favorite websites to putter about on are facebook of course. I also like looking on my favorite clothing stores and looking at clothes I cant buy at the moment.....those darn emails they send me. I give in every time
5. This weekend I will doing pretty much what I did last weekend....sleeping and working....I know....I am COMPLETELY WILD!!
6. Nothing makes me happier than getting out of town!! I love it.
7. A bad habit I have is laying/eating in our bed all the time....most spend their tv time in the living room...I spend mine in the bed. Therapist say that the "marriage bed" should only be used for sleeping and love making....but I use it for other purposes too. But during football season it's either watch football 24/7 or what I want to watch in the bedroom....thank god football season is almost over!!
Can you believe that January is almost gone!!! It might sound crazy but I just took my Christmas wreath down. I bought a real one this year and it was soo pretty I had a hard time taking it down. But I finally got around to taking it down and bought a heart wreath the replace it with. Man how time flies!! Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Oooo, yes, the smell of garlic! Yum!
ReplyDeleteAlso, hogwash as far as the bed thing goes. My wife and I lay in bed to watch TV and read and cuddle up all the time. Nothin' wrong with that!