Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Poor Knox poo!!!

Knox got neutered Tuesday.....I feel so bad for him. But personally I can't stand to look at a all of that....and I didn't want him to have the deflated balloon coin purse look. Its just gross. I dropped him off that morning, poor baby, he will go with anyone. He just thought he was going to play. He left going to the  back tail wagging and everything.
When Eric brought him home he was still wagging his tail.....with his poor cone on....

He was still happy. He wanted to play and eat just like normal. Like nothing had happened. He did not, however, care for the collar. He wanted it off. But he was still smiling, and that made me feel better.
He did give me this look today. Like "Mom can you PLLLEEAASSSEE take me out of this thing"??? Poor baby....

So I gave his a chewy. He tried chewing on a bone he has had for around a week but that wasn't working out so well. But he did like the chewy. 
Now we just have to spend 2 weeks in this collar....that has to stink.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Fill in the Blank Friday!!

I know its Monday.....but we can pretend it's Friday right???

1.   You should always take time to   live your life to the fullest. You never know when it can be taken from you. Seen it happen way too many times in my 23 years.

2.    Respect and tolerance    make(s) the world a happier place to be.

3.  I can hardly wait for  our next travel out of the country...where ever it may be  .

4.    What ever day I can wake up with Eric   is my favorite day of the week. Being that I work night and eric gets up early when tend to not be up together in the mornings. Its a rare treat that I can wake up beside him.

5.  Something totally dumb and ridiculous that I love is    The Real Housewives of anywhere!! I can't get enough for some reason. 

6.  If I could, I would  get on a plane and go somewhere every 6 months. I love traveling. Eric hates it!

7.  I rather like   being nice to everyone, no matter if I really like them or not. I admire people who are like that, and in some cases I can. But in others cases I just can't hide how I feel. 

Go check out Lauren!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Someone like you....

I am sure everyone has heard Adele's song "Some one like you". It reminds me of every single guy that I wasn't good enough for. There were a few. Funny how things turn out though, cause I am more accomplished them any of them, including the one who told me I would never get into nursing school cause I wasn't smart enough....yeah....true story. I am the only one out of all of them with a  college degree, a career and a marriage.  God could not have blessed me more then to point me to the one who would love me for exactly who I am. Enjoy. Here!

Thoughts for this week....

This week has been really chill. I am off work (again) for about 9 just kinda worked out that way.  It was good though cause my house was screaming to get was bad. Put it this way. It took me ALL day to clean it. I even skipped going to the gym. I considered cleaning my whole house as a full body work out. Other thoughts for this week.

  • Sometimes I wonder why I clean up in the first place cause the next day you can't even tell its clean....and we have no children to mess it up....just us.
  • If there is one thing I have to fuss about in this house it the kitchen floors....they are white, my dog is brown. He brings in grass and other paraphernalia. Therefore I have given up on making them look clean. But other then that......I love this house =)
  • They took Ellen off at 10 am and put at 5pm in Oprah's old spot. This totally screws up my whole morning routine.....
  • There is a house down the street that already has their fall stuff out. You can tell they are going to be the ones that have their Christmas stuff out on November 1st and leave it up till Easter....Maybe its just me.....but its just too early. Its probably just me....
  • I am ready to go the beach....its only a weekend....but I will take it. 
  • Just a tid bit of info.....Eric....for some reason.....puts the groceries he buys away in the bag.....yes the bag. You know the plastic one they put your stuff in at the store. Instead of taking it out of the bag and putting it away he just puts it away. I have been not saying anything and just fixing it, but last night I cracked and made him come do it himself. He didn't understand the big deal. I am tempted to put all of our groceries away next time in the bags. Soo annoying....
  • Knox currently loves finding every possible thing he is not suppose to have and eating it.....I mean everything. Socks, toilet paper, ribbon, dead frogs, acorns, head phones, money, blankets, shoes, his leash, q-tips, etc. He thinks its funny to drop it when you tell him "no" and when you come to pick it up he grabs it and runs from you. Funny to Knox. No so funny to Mommy. 
  • Eric came home the other day and told me that he genuinely loves his job. I think thats awesome. I think every child deserves a teacher that LOVES their job and also loves their kids and cares about them. I think you are happier when you love what you do. 
Anyways thanks for listening! I know I am not the most interesting person in the world. I almost stopped this whole blog thing about a month ago cause I thought no one was reading it. Then I had 2 people in the same weekend tell me they love reading it.... I guess I am interesting after all. So thanks. For real.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

I will never forget......

I can't believe it has been ten years since that day. I still can't believe it happened in the first place, but as hard as we try to act like nothing in this country has changed, everything in this country has changed.
I was 13 years old and in the 8th grade at Fort Middle School that Tuesday morning. I can't exactly remember but I believe we were going to second period around 9. It was Georgia Studies, I thought it was odd because, my teacher Mr. Butts, had the TV well as the look of absolute horror on his face. Something is wrong. The Tv was showing the the North Tower of the WTC on fire....the kept saying there was a plane accident.
9:03 : For some reason he didn't turn the TV off. To this day I wished he had.  Because as we were watching Charlie Gibson and Diane Sawyer talking about this "accident" we saw it. On live television. This can't be an accident. Then they said they had report the two planes were hijacked and flown into the building on purpose. There was just no explanation for what was going on. This was the first time I had heard the word terrorist. I kept asking Mr. Butts " what is a terrorist??? What does that mean??" He could't answer me. I knew by this point this was no accident. This was an attack. And once again....he kept the tv on.....
9:59 : We were still watching the TV.  You could see people hanging out windows on the top floor above the point of impact, complete chaos on the ground, horror in the Charlie Gibson's voice. All of a sudden the south tower begins to collapse. I just couldn't believe what my eyes were seeing. Just horror. I just dont think I was able to comprehend it. I remember there was a black boy that was sitting next to me. His name was Jamal. There was a white women that was walking by, covered in soot and blood. He started laughing at her.....he said "look at that white lady!!" I remember Mr. Butts getting in his face yelling at him "Do you think there aren't black people in those buildings!!! Do you know how many people just died in there"!!! I think thats when it clicked.....thousands of people just died right in front of our eyes.
The teacher from across the hallway came bursting in the room "Somethings going on at the Pentagon"
Switching channels now......the Pentagon is on fire. Is it sad I had no idea what the Pentagon even was. Then there was a page over the intercom to turn the tv off and to not discuss the events of the day. How do you go back to teaching after that??

My father was an active duty solider in Ft. Irwin, CA at the time. He was 3 years away from retirement. He trained soldiers for desert combat. Ironic. I knew enough to know if America was under attack, we were going to war. There was no question about. I knew they were going. I remember being so upset by time I got home my mother had to have my father call me and calm me down. He told me that his position was non deployable and he promised when they did go he would not be going with him. He also told me however it was his job. Thats what they trained for and that if he did have to go he would go and serve because thats what he had to do and what he signed up for. I was scared.....but he never did deploy and for that I am grateful.

I went to NYC in spring of 2000. We were suppose to visit the WTC but couldn't for some reason that day. I remember when I got home from school on 9/11 the first thing I did was drag out my picture from my trip to see if I happened to take  a picture of the skyline. I did.....but no the WTC. I sobbed. I completely over looked it. I was too worried about getting a picture of Carson Daily in the TRL window.
I went back in 2004. We visited ground zero. It was heartbreaking reading all the missing signs they still had up 3 years later. They were just huge holes in the ground. I was glad that I was able to experience both before and after they fell.

I no eventually 9/11 will become 12/7. To my children it will be another day. But I will never forget. It feels like yesterday to me. I am so thankful for the men and women who have stepped up and served as well as their families. You have done more for this country then I could ever do.
If you haven't seen anything about the WTC memorial on tv check it out. I can't wait to vist one day.
Today is a beautiful day. Just like that day should have been.  Feel free to post where you were and such below if you wish.
Hope everyone has a great week at work!!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Fill in the Blank Friday!!

{Why is there a little dinosaur telling you it's Fill in the Blank Friday?)
1.   Somewhere someone is   way worse off the I am. I see it all the time at my job....and they have more kids then I can fathom giving birth to.

2.    My babies/my animals and shopping     is/are my muse.

3.  It would suck if   eyeliner    was no more because,   then I would have to answer the "whats Wrong Dara"?? questions every day.

4.    The weather and my husband   is/are my favorite thing about today.

5.  Life is kind of like     a box of never know what your gonna get. so cliché I know.....but soo very true. 

6.  If I could have anything I wanted I would want   a trip to Paris and London and eventually babies

7.  A funny thing happened the other day...    I went to take the dog out to pee. Heard something scurrying in the woods. It was an armadillo. So knox gets scared and runs back inside. Eric decides to get a gun and shoot AT it....I have never seen something jump so high!Then Knox wouldn't go back out to pee...poor baby. 

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Fill in the Blank Friday

I know I am a little late. I was working Friday and anyways here it goes. 

1.   One thing that is completely superfluous, but that I could never give up is  Coke!! I always tell people that I crave coke like others crave beer....

2.  Telling people "NO" when they ask me to do something   makes me feel awkward.

3.  I can't    imagine my life    without,    my college education  .

4.   Chocolate   is my favorite snack.

5.  Lately I've been    trying to get in shape. And just so you know, just because you are not obese, doesn't mean you are in shape....take it from the girl who practically needs a breathing treatment after running 0.2 miles....yeah its that bad.

6.  If at first you don't succeed   ask for fact demand it.

7.  Fall is    my favorite season. I love the colors, the clothes, and most of all the weather!!