Monday, September 19, 2011

Fill in the Blank Friday!!

I know its Monday.....but we can pretend it's Friday right???

1.   You should always take time to   live your life to the fullest. You never know when it can be taken from you. Seen it happen way too many times in my 23 years.

2.    Respect and tolerance    make(s) the world a happier place to be.

3.  I can hardly wait for  our next travel out of the country...where ever it may be  .

4.    What ever day I can wake up with Eric   is my favorite day of the week. Being that I work night and eric gets up early when tend to not be up together in the mornings. Its a rare treat that I can wake up beside him.

5.  Something totally dumb and ridiculous that I love is    The Real Housewives of anywhere!! I can't get enough for some reason. 

6.  If I could, I would  get on a plane and go somewhere every 6 months. I love traveling. Eric hates it!

7.  I rather like   being nice to everyone, no matter if I really like them or not. I admire people who are like that, and in some cases I can. But in others cases I just can't hide how I feel. 

Go check out Lauren!

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