I try not to rant on Facebook......the people on my Facebook newsfeed that do usually get on my nerves. Sometimes, if they do it enough, I delete them....true story. I know I am ranted before on Facebook, I think everyone does. But do you ever have people on you Facebook that never have anything positive to say?? I usually have to hide those people, or even delete them because I don't want to hear that you are ALWAYS having a bad day. To be honest there is sometimes that I want to write "WHO CARES"! I am sorry that was kinda mean. I am sure there are some of you that want to write that same thing on mine. But this is my blog and although it does pop up on your newsfeed you do have to click to read it.....just saying.
I also cant stand how people can comment all day on your stuff on Facebook, but when they see you in person they act like they dont even know you.....it annoys me so much. I have actually had someone hide from me in a grocery store to keep from speaking to me. Like I wanted to talk to them soo badly. That was my rant. I had to get it out. My applogies. But like I said, you clicked!!
This week our news media has been focused on the death of Whitney Houston. People have said she was a crack head, and why are we celebrating someone who was a drug abuser?? Here is the deal.....She did abuse drugs?? Yes. Was she a great singer?? Yes. But I feel like people are being quite judgmental. I feel like we are forgetting that we all fall short, and that all sins are looked at as equal in the eyes of the Lord. And to be honest, any of us could have ended up in that situation. All is takes is hanging around the wrong crowd. Mix that with being in the music industry and it probably didn't take much.
None of us knows her heart or if she accepted Jesus in her heart. All I know is that she made music that touched alot of people and had a God given voice. And none of us has the right to judge. I am just as guilty sometimes but I try to remember to that they plank out of my eye before I get the speck out of my friends.
The dryer is calling my name.....quit literally it has buzzed twice. Not to mention the dog is moaning at me.....me must have to go potty....and that means I have to get up! Hope everyone has a nice, sort week!
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