Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Day 732!!!

732.....thats how many days we have been married!! 2 years ago today,  after 3 years of planning and 5 years together, I walked down the aisle to my handsome, CRYING groom. =) He will never live that crying thing down.... it was sweet though and part of our day that I will never forget.
Take it from someone who watch all of her friends have boyfriend after boyfriend, while I couldn't even get one guy to like me, thought I would be 30 before I got married....To get married at 22 and have my husband cry at the sight of me walking down the aisle was priceless. Not to mention it made all of my friends jealous....in a good way.
In our second year of marriage we bought our house, got our precious dog Knox(who decided this week that along with the tv remotes and shoes that the couch cushion sounded like a good thing to chew up at the time.....we still love him though) learned a few lessons about money, and a few other life lessons. Eric settled into a job he loves and got some cool recognition along the way.
In the next we have some exciting things planned!! I am doing my first half marathon in November. Hoping to also go on another trip or 2.....and go sky diving....you read that right. I am calling it my mid20's crisis!! (you know instead of a midlife crisis??) I dont even know if a mid20s crisis exist but everyone keeps telling me that I should do a few exciting things before children...these are just a few of the things I would like to do .... if I am going to jump out of a plane my mother said I needed to before I have kids.....I think I will listen to her... Happy Annaversary Eric!! I love you Pookie Bears!!! To many more!

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