Wednesday, July 18, 2012


Soo... I have never really been the type to put every bit of my business out to the public on Facebook...I usually just tell the people who need to know or ask and leave it at that. But since people have been curious and asking questions I thought it would just be easier to just try to answer all the questions in one place.
  Recently I went to my normal GYN appointment and had my normal exam, with the normal blood work drawn and everything looked normal. Later I got a phone call from my midwife....(want to be honest, my heart skipped a beat and I almost didn't answer it because I think I would have been in a state of shock if she were to tell me I was pregnant, even though I knew there was a slim chance of this being true) she told me that everything was normal, I was not pregnant(sigh) but that my platelets were low. My first thought was not really a big deal right now, it's just low platelets.  But she went on to tell me it may not be a problem now, but it would be a problem when I did decide to get pregnant. Just for thoughs who dont know, a normal level is 150, mine at this time were 86. She suggested I get a redraw in a month or so with a primary doc (which I had still failed to find a primary doc after leaving Martin Army), mentioned the fact that I might have ITP, ideopathic thrombocytopenia purpura. Basically for one reason or another my body destroys my platelets. Finally went and saw a primary physician, went through any other possible signs and symptoms, drew some more labs, called me back a week later and told me my platelets were up, but still low at 107, and that they were going to refer me to an oncologist/hemtologist at John B. Amos.
 That brings us to yesterday. I knew I would be having several blood test done so I brought Eric with me because I don't handle my own blood very well (crazy thing is I deal with others blood all the time and it never bothers me) When we went and talked to the doctor, he basically explained the diagnosis of ITP, that is is a excluding disease basically you rule out every other cause for low platelets, then you come the the diagnosis of ITP. Another issue they are looking at is if my blooding clotting properly, and if not then why. The main things that could be the cause would be Leukemia, or lupus, along with some other things. I AM NOT showing ANY signs of any of this, nor does the doctor think this is the cause, but like I said, to rule it out as a cause. I have been tested for this in 2008 and tested negative for all of this. I don't want anyone to think I have this. Is it a possibility, I guess, but the doctor says there is a 5% chance. I am not worried about it, so therefore I don't want anyone else to either. In my opinion there is no reason to worry about something that I don't think I have to begin with. If something secondary comes up will deal and treat what needs to be treated.
 I think when the doctor mentioned the secondary causes, it freaked Eric out a little. It's a little scary when a doctor says they are testing you for cancer, but reassuring when they say there is a small (very VERY SMALL) chance.  Anyways, 3 hrs and 12 tubes of blood later, I have to go back in 3 weeks for a follow up and find out the results. The great news is my levels are not so low that's have to be put on steroid treatment. He said I would even be safe enough to go into surgery if I needed it. So as long as there is no other underlying cause, I will be fine. We will deal with the issue during pregnancy when the time comes. I want to be as healthy as possible before getting pregnant, which is the main reason I wanted to get checked now. I appreciate all the concern and prayers. It seems as if we scared some people, which was not our intention at all, just asking for prayers. If we scared you, because you had no idea, we do apologize. We are of course praying that all of the test will come back negative as we expect them too. I feel great, I am still running every week ( even if it is a walk/run), and feel completely normal.
Like I said thank you to all who have thought about me and prayed for us. I'm truly blessed to have this many people think of me!


  1. What's cool about the whole situation, is that our God is a GOOD God, and he will get you through whatever it is that you are going through. Praying all of your tests come back perfectly normal! :)

  2. Yes He is! I am so thankful he is on my side! Thanks for the comment!
