Friday, June 25, 2010

Day 20

Today is my last day off before starting my big girl job and finally making some money. I couldn't tell you what i was going to do if i had to stay home for 2 more weeks. I don't know how much longer i will have that attitude...but for now i have got to get out of this apartment.
I have surprisingly done really well about spending money though. Usually when i get really bored i go to the mall, or target, sometimes i even resort to Walmart just to find something to buy. I am super good at talking myself into buying something i don't really need just because. and it doesn't have to be something could be a hairbrush, or a packet of pens, or nail polish,and before you know it i spent $50 all on things i don't need....but talked myself into need. Its a malicious process i put myself though....but none the less i have prevented myself from doing it for an entire two weeks. I did try to go shopping one time, but in my defense i had a gift card left over from my birthday that i had saved for a time like this and couldn't find anything i wanted....thats always how it happens. When i don't have money i find a million things i want and when i do i cant find one. Any who..
I realized today that there were a lot of things i told myself i was going to do with my two weeks off that i have yet to accomplish as in
  • workout
  • eat healthy
  • scrapbook the last four years of my life
  • keep the apartment spotless
  • clean out my old room
  • organize the bathroom
  • study for NCLEX at least 2 hours a day
  • make dinner every night
  • find new recipes
I can tell you that i have not worked out except once since we have moved in because i simply don't feel like its so hot outside i sweat five pounds walking from my door to my car. If you knew what i have eaten in the last 48 hours you would be like "how in the world is she not 500 pounds". I have for the most part kept the apartment clean but i could do better. I have cleaned out bits and pieces of my old room...but you would be able to tell because now not only has my sister destroyed her own room she is moving into mine....but i do still have a lot of work to do in there....its just gets so hot in that house. I have not even started on the bathroom. I have studied for NCLEX at least and hour a day...but i need to be putting more into that.
I have only made dinner 3 times since we came home from our honeymoon and one of those dinner's was a frozen pizza. In our defense again we have been going out with friends a lot or Eric has worked late and we pick up our own dinners. I have found new recipes, bit to be honest i am afraid to try them. I looks so good in the picture then i look at the ingredients and i am like....i would never eat i am still working on that. I did get atleast half the list done....
The cat is still a little angry with me although she did sleep with us last night and is sitting beside me right now....i still feel terrible.
I am off to the grocery store to stock up on stuff for lunch and stuff. I am so excited to start work and deliver some babies!!!! YAY!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Dara, I am so excited for you! I can't tell you how proud I am of you for sticking to your plan to become a nurse against all odds, no matter what anyone said. Few people besides Jeremy know that I was in college at CSU in the nursing program and then I got pregnant with shelby. I went all the way until the day before they induced my labor and never went back after to finish. So you have a special place in my heart because you did what I couldn't do! I am proud of you!!!
