Sooo. i have olny done this a few times and when i have it was to vent about someone i didn't like or someone who made me mad or whatever else was going on in my high school life at the time. Well i am not in high school any more.....i am not even in college anymore.....nor can i check single under marital status on paper work at the doctor's office.
So in case you dont know me or you didn't catch the hint above I will give you some background. I am a recent college graduate from Columbus State University School of Nursing and got my dream job the day after graduation. I am now employed with a local hospital in labor and delivery, which, again if you know anything about me you know this suits me very well and although i have not started my job the time i have spent there told me that l&d is what i was made to do. I am a christian and very involved in my church. I am also a newlywed as you can tell by the title of the blog. It was a long time coming. We had been dating for five years, and engaged for three of those years. Yes i know what you are thinking " 3 years is way too long to be engaged"... first i was only 19 when i got engaged and no we were no where near financially ready to get married. second i was only a sophomore in college and it was very important that i finish my degree before getting married... so there you go. I also love for people to tell me i cant do something, because i love the satisfaction of know that i proved them wrong . I had people tell me my SAT scores showed that i was not going to be sucessful in college...WRONG. In fact i finished my degree in 4 years flat, with HOPE scholarship all four years. I had those that told me nursing would be to hard and that should probably choose something easier....once again WRONG. Now i was not an A student, but i did make it through. Now off my soapbox....on to what i really want this to be about.
I really want this blog to be about my experiences as a new wife and as a nurse. This is all new for me and i would like to document it really for myself.
Since i am not working right now and only been married for a week, of course i dont have much to talk about. But I can tell you the hardest part of being married so far, and i am sure everyone has this problem, but i guess the best way to put it is just living with each other in the same space. Eric and I both have what i would like to call "first child syndrome". We are bossy, and stubborn, and like things done our way. It has been a challenge letting him do things his way, as well has him letting me do things my way, which is the right way of So there it is. I will try to update every once in a while. I cant wait to see where it takes me.
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