So for the past 3 months (July 28th to be exact) I embarked on a journey that I thought, in my head, was crazy and impossible. I started "running" merely out of peer pressure and the secret want to be a runner.
So two friends of mine (Leia and Casey) convinced me to go to this Jeff Galloway (olympian marathoner and runner guru....look him up...hes pretty genius) and Soldier Marathon information meeting. Long story short that meeting inspired us and made it all sound do able so they signed up that night. I just couldn't bring myself to do it. I had to think about it. 13.1 was crazy to me. I could hardly get through a mile now....the 2 5ks I had done I thought I was going to die! But something clicked and I decided to sign up.
When I did the girl asked me if I could run 3 miles...I kinda laughed in her face cause the true answer was no....But I could run/walk 3 miles....I took me a while....but I could do it.
So on July 28 my two friends and I met the group down on the river walk to run our 3 miles. It was hard....but I wasn't exhausted like I had been before! Ok...I CAN do this. Another long story short Casey couldn't make it because they wouldn't let her bring her stroller and Leia got hurt....So both of the stinkers that got me into this dropped out!! I still love them though! But I was so bummed.
I was forced to meet new people and depend on them for encouragement and conversation during the runs. They were a GREAT group of women though! Very encouraging and knowledgable and a "were going to finish this together" attitude! Love them!
So as the weeks progressed the miles increased. I hit a serious "wall" right before we increased to 10 miles
-I dont want to do this anymore
-this is crazy.....everyone thinks im crazy
-ugghh i hate this
-how did I get into this again
- but its too hot to run
- I'm not as good as everyone else and always come in last
-I suck at this
-This sucks
But then I did it!!! And it sucked!!! But I did it!!! I was further the weather got colder....that helped. But I knew if I could finish 10....I could get to 12....and if I could get to 12.....whats one more mile!! I was going to do this!!
So race week comes. My friends and family were planing to I had no choice at this point. Luckly I had to work Wednesday and Thursday so that occupied my mind a little.
Friday I went and picked up my bib and packet. Eric had a wedding so I went and picked up some pasta at Olive Garden (probably not the best choice but its what I wanted) and went home and watched some tv, got my stuff out and called it a night.
I slept well that night which was a blessing. I woke up at 5 (almost threw up in my mouth. Way too early!) ate some toast and half a banana. Got dressed and was pulling Eric out the door.
Got to the infantry museum and found a parking spot around 6:45. Found my running group and made our way to the start line. We left and turned on to Ft. Benning. This was my favorite part. There was one or 2 soldiers every so often, drill sargeants lined up the hills with their drill sergeant like voices to get you up the hill. Some where around 6 miles I started to feel bad... cramping and out of breath. I stopped a sec to take off my shirt and re strap my phone. This is where I went wrong. I lost my group and started freaking about about catching up and the fear of having to do the rest of this alone! Handed my clothes off to Eric and kept going. Had to calm my self down, but keep going at the same time. When I nervous I start talking to myself.
-Oh crap.....They are way ahead of me....oh crap
- Where's the next water station
- I can't feel my hands....
-I hate this
- Wheres the beep so I can walk
-Why am I doing this again???
-Wheres the next mile marker??
-Oh there it is....did it say 8....crap!
-I want a coke
-I hate this
-I can't feel my hands
- Wheres the beep??
-This minute is lasting an hour
-Just how do you set fire to the rain??
-OMG I just dropped my cup of water ( I had to ask this poor guy to poor water into my mouth because my hands were SO frozen I couldn't hold my water....I embarrassing!)
-did I really just ask that guy to pour water in my mouth????....poor guy....
-Did that just say 9......CRAP!!!
- I want a coke
-I can't feel my hands
-Where's the beep??
-Where do we turn around
-I bet Casey is already done....(she was :)
-I hate this....I HATE running
-I'm so hungry
- PTL there is the turn around!!
- I am NEVER doing this again
-Where's the water??
-I dont think Taylor Swift EVER wants to get back EVER
-Did that just say 12....OMG that just said 12....
-Hey...I can feel my hands....GREAT
-Forget the beep....Im running the last mile
-Forget that....I'm walking
-I CANNOT let these two old guys beat me!!
My sweet friends were waiting for me...I felt like a loser when I realized they had been waiting there for an hour!!! Casey finished in 2 hrs!! Go Casey!! Shes amazing! But I finished!! And 2 seconds under my goal!! It was awesome! I was crying because I was in so much pain and I couldn't believe I had just finished something I never though I would ever do. But then I was delirious....I was SOOO hungry and in so much pain I din't know if I was happy or mad. I didn't like any of the food they had but I DID manage to find a COKE!!
In the end I was so glad I did it. Everyone ask me if I will do another one (probably because I complained so much!) and the answer is yes. I dont know exactly when, depends on what the next year brings... but eventually I will.
If anyone is a new runner or never really have done much more then a 5k I highly recommend the Columbus Galloway program. Its a run walk program and it worked beautifully for me! It made the whole thing do able and manageable. I would have been able to do it otherwise.
I have found a new love in running. It's definitely a challenge...maybe thats why I love it so much! But right now I really need a massage!!!
Cant forget to mention that a part of this run was running in honor of a fallen soldier. I ran in honor of Jordan Schumann who is best friends with a childhood friend of mine who was KIA in 2011. He left behind a wife and a unborn son at the time. I prayed for them multiple times through out the run....knowing that I am lucky enough to be able to run. It was an honor to run for someone who served our country in the most honorable way.
As for a not right now!
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Saturday, November 3, 2012
My name is Dara Alizabeth Crouch....and I am a scared little girl
It is officially 1 week away from my first half marathon. I know I have prepared myself for this with the training program I went through, but for some reason I still feel very unprepared. I know I can do it though. I did a 12 mile run and even though I was hurting around mile 11 and could hardly walk when I was done because of my knee I was able to finish even if I have to walk the last mile...I will be ok with that! I haven't had any problems since with my knee so hopefully it was a one time thing. I am also hoping that the adrenaline and atmosphere will get me through those last few miles. I know from this point on its just a mental game. I am no stranger to mental games.....I have been through nursing took me 3 hours to take my boards to get my license. I had to answer all 265 questions....that was a mental challenge. I know that I can physically do it...I have already done this point 1 more mile is just another mile. I dont have to tell me....I know I have lost my mind.
Part of the solider Marathon is choosing someone to run in honor of to put on your bib. I did want to choose someone off a list that I dont know or have any connection too. I have a friend I grew up with in Ft. Riley, before we moved back here permanently. Our fathers were both in the Army. He is now serving as a MP in the army stationed in Germany. He was serving with is best friend in 2011 when he was killed in action. His name was SPC Jordan Shuchmann. He also left behind a wife and a now 1 year old son. He died before his son was born. He never got to meet his son. So that is who I am putting on my bib.
This week at work has been rough. All I can say is I am happy to know a god that is merciful, and shows us grace even is the worst of situations. I happy that pray puts me at peace. My doctors dont know it (I think I have told one) but I pray the instant they come in the room for a delivery/epidural. I pray over my patients when my baby is looking bad....I pray a lot. Mostly because once I have done everything I can from the outside thats all I CAN do at that point. So happy I can depend on that is a sticky situation.
I have my 3 month check up with the hematologist this week. Praying everything is pretty much the same....but hopefully a little better.
I am currently, as I type, drinking my last coke for this week. After today its 2 liters of water a day. Only good fast food. I can't have anything holding me down. I got one more run before next week. EEKK!!
Congratulations to my friends Camille and Stobhan who finish their first Half Marathon in Savannah today. They both finish in just under 2:15.....which is fantastic! I know I am going to be at least 45 slower then that....but to be honest I don't really care about the time! I just want to finish alive!!
Hope everyone has a good week! Don't forget, change your clocks tonight an your president on Tuesday!! Hope this doesn't offend anyone...just my stance! But honestly, whoever you vote for, just get out and vote! It's part of our American duty and like my mother says "If you don't vote you can't complain!"
Part of the solider Marathon is choosing someone to run in honor of to put on your bib. I did want to choose someone off a list that I dont know or have any connection too. I have a friend I grew up with in Ft. Riley, before we moved back here permanently. Our fathers were both in the Army. He is now serving as a MP in the army stationed in Germany. He was serving with is best friend in 2011 when he was killed in action. His name was SPC Jordan Shuchmann. He also left behind a wife and a now 1 year old son. He died before his son was born. He never got to meet his son. So that is who I am putting on my bib.
This week at work has been rough. All I can say is I am happy to know a god that is merciful, and shows us grace even is the worst of situations. I happy that pray puts me at peace. My doctors dont know it (I think I have told one) but I pray the instant they come in the room for a delivery/epidural. I pray over my patients when my baby is looking bad....I pray a lot. Mostly because once I have done everything I can from the outside thats all I CAN do at that point. So happy I can depend on that is a sticky situation.
I have my 3 month check up with the hematologist this week. Praying everything is pretty much the same....but hopefully a little better.
I am currently, as I type, drinking my last coke for this week. After today its 2 liters of water a day. Only good fast food. I can't have anything holding me down. I got one more run before next week. EEKK!!
Congratulations to my friends Camille and Stobhan who finish their first Half Marathon in Savannah today. They both finish in just under 2:15.....which is fantastic! I know I am going to be at least 45 slower then that....but to be honest I don't really care about the time! I just want to finish alive!!
Hope everyone has a good week! Don't forget, change your clocks tonight an your president on Tuesday!! Hope this doesn't offend anyone...just my stance! But honestly, whoever you vote for, just get out and vote! It's part of our American duty and like my mother says "If you don't vote you can't complain!"
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
For no reason at all
So I am about 5 weeks away....exactly 38 days away from my half marathon...38 days 27 hrs 36 min and 10 secs. =) Getting the runs in every week have been difficult, annoying, and frustrating. I am not a morning person so it has been hard getting up early before it starts getting to hot....then getting them in around my work schedule......On the days I have off I just dont want to do anything...I know I am complaining. I shouldn't be...I no children so I really dont have an excuse. It's still exhausting though. The good news is it does seem to be getting easier. Today on my run I took it as a time to have church on the trail....I listen to my worship music for a straight hour. It was wonderful. No pressure, no one to keep up with.
This Saturday....if you can't find me....its because I collapsed on the trail.....probably somewhere between mile 9-11. We are up to 12 miles....Whoa. 10 miles really intimidated me....but somehow I got through it. So at this point what is 2 more miles, right?? Yeah that's what I said too. "Dara, YOU HAVE LOST YOUR MIND!!!" You dont have to tell me, I already know.
I have 3 more bi-weekly blood draws for my ITP and my appointment with the hematologist. Going there every 2 weeks is really getting old, but I'm glad it doesn't take very long. Last week I had to go after work. I had 2 hours of sleep in 24 hrs. I fell asleep in the waiting room. The nurse had to come wake me up!!! Embarrassing!! I am so ready to have these over with!
I have a love hate relationship with football season. I love going to a football game, watching football on tv (one game a weekend is enough for me). I love the fall weather, and the bands. I hate that thats ALL Eric wants on the TV for the WHOLE weekend. I hate that people make such a HUGE deal over the team they go for, and like to start stuff with others over a GAME!! I watch it, I love it, but it does not make my life better or worse, nor will my life be impacted in any way it they win or lose.
Knox chewed up my favorite pair of socks......thanks man
I have to work the next 3 nights! So thankful to have a job.
We booked our trip to New York!!!! AHHHH!!!!! SO excited!!! 2 months! Can't wait to discover a kinda new place with Eric (I have been twice) A little nervous about how much it is costing us, but I know it will be worth it because we will never forget, or get to go back like this again. Plus its going to be decorated for Christmas! Can't wait to check somethings off our bucket list! YAY!!
This Saturday....if you can't find me....its because I collapsed on the trail.....probably somewhere between mile 9-11. We are up to 12 miles....Whoa. 10 miles really intimidated me....but somehow I got through it. So at this point what is 2 more miles, right?? Yeah that's what I said too. "Dara, YOU HAVE LOST YOUR MIND!!!" You dont have to tell me, I already know.
I have 3 more bi-weekly blood draws for my ITP and my appointment with the hematologist. Going there every 2 weeks is really getting old, but I'm glad it doesn't take very long. Last week I had to go after work. I had 2 hours of sleep in 24 hrs. I fell asleep in the waiting room. The nurse had to come wake me up!!! Embarrassing!! I am so ready to have these over with!
I have a love hate relationship with football season. I love going to a football game, watching football on tv (one game a weekend is enough for me). I love the fall weather, and the bands. I hate that thats ALL Eric wants on the TV for the WHOLE weekend. I hate that people make such a HUGE deal over the team they go for, and like to start stuff with others over a GAME!! I watch it, I love it, but it does not make my life better or worse, nor will my life be impacted in any way it they win or lose.
Knox chewed up my favorite pair of socks......thanks man
I have to work the next 3 nights! So thankful to have a job.
We booked our trip to New York!!!! AHHHH!!!!! SO excited!!! 2 months! Can't wait to discover a kinda new place with Eric (I have been twice) A little nervous about how much it is costing us, but I know it will be worth it because we will never forget, or get to go back like this again. Plus its going to be decorated for Christmas! Can't wait to check somethings off our bucket list! YAY!!
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
I love the beach, but I couldn't live there
I love the beach, but I couldn't live there. A few days every year does me good. I love the feeling of being on the beach. I love the sun and the sounds and the birds and the GREAT nap I get after coming in from the beach...but I could live there because
- my hair looks crappy the ENTIRE time I was there. Nothing I did made it look better.....I went around with crappy looking hair the whole time I was there.
- The sand seems to never leave.....doesn't matter how much I wash. I love it at the beach...I just wish it would stay there.
- Carrying everything down to the beach....and then carrying it all back up...the bag, the umbrella, the cooler, the chairs....and thats just us....I have no idea what we are going to do when that includes children.
- The way you smell when you come in.....I can't stand it. I got to take a shower almost immediately
- The sand everywhere.....
- The water taste nasty.
- I forgot things that would have made our stay better.....cereal, butter, sugar, flashlight, box fan, coffee filters, and a float, my running shoes (I didn't know there would be such nice sidewalks to run on)
I have to run 10 miles on Saturday......whoa. Every time the milage gets higher the rationalizing part of my brain says "this is crazy....why are you doing can't do this....10 miles....ares you kidding me..." The reality is 6 months ago I couldn't get up the road to the stop sign with out wanting to pass out....and now I am running 10 miles (let me take this time to correct myself...I run/walk 10 miles. I can't run flat out 10 miles without stopping....that is not happening.) The most I have done up to this point is 8 miles......So I know 10 is not impossible. In 2 weeks I will have to do 12....which is 1 mile away from the 13.1.....Again....this is crazy. I have officially gone crazy.
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
I am pretty sure I shared my 9/11 story last year on this day, so I won't share it in full again. But like many others, I can remember exactly where I was, who I was with, and how that day has changed my life and this country forever. I remember the terror on my teachers face, which first clued me into the fact that this was no accident. I remember the shock as I watched on live tv as the second plane hit the WTC, and watching them later fall on live tv, my teacher turning off the tv unable to teach that day.
At the age of 13 I had no idea what the word "terrorist" meant. I had to ask my teacher. But I was old enough to know that as a daughter of an active duty solider any attack on the US, especially one on US soil, meant war. I never thought I would be in my 20's and we would still be fighting that same war. I was lucky that my dad did not have to fight this war. He served out his career in the Army by training soldiers to fight in desert conditions. For that I am thankful. I have, however, had friends that have served in this war, one who lost 4 of his best friends. I thank him, my friend from high school Micha Chandler, and all the others who have served our country so selflessly. Please, no matter what your political stance, thank and support our soldiers. People have told me before that our military is a "volunteer" army and no one makes them join. But if they didn't "choose" to join our boys wouldn't have a choice.
Also thank you to all the firefighters and police who serve and protect us in our cities. God Bless Amaerica!!!
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Tuesday Thoughts....
I spent my Labor day in the rain.....the POURING down rain.....covered in dye....with my friend.
I would like to take this time and thank my co-workers for, once again, talking me into something that is supposed to "fun" that ended up being not so fun....I need to stop listening to them. I am still having nightmares of the river at Mud Mania. It was one of those "sounded like a good idea at the time" moments.
Some of us at work did The Color Run in Birmingham. It was suppose to be "fun". They even call is "the happiest 5k on the planet" was more like "the biggest wet t-shirt contest on the planet" Unfortunately because it was raining so bad I dont have any pictures to show you. We didnt want to risk our phones in the rain. It wasn't pretty. I am sure, if it would not have been storming, it would have been alot of fun. I could have even had fun in a drizzle, But the pouring down rain, changing my wet clothes in the parking lot behind a towel, and riding home with no dry undergarments in my reach....not my idea of fun. But like I said, rain could have been fun and we would have stayed to enjoy it because they had music and dancing and pictures and all that cool stuff, and maybe in my younger years I might have not cared. But I embraced the rain long enough to endure the run it self and got the heck out of there! Thanks again to the Reeds (Camille's bro and sister-in-law) for letting me spend the weekend with them and their families! It was so sweet of them to let me stay with them in their new home.
I have had an interesting week at work, although I can't go into details there is never a dull moment in L&D....totally lives up to my favorite quote from the ever famous Dr. Malone "Labor and Delivery consist of hours of bordom followed by sheer moments of terror" totally describes my work week. Even after 2 years I am still trying to learn to let things go when it comes to my patients, and just be the best nurse I can be for them.
Eric started with his new class about month ago. He has a cute little class that already loves him....he has already come home with some stories and sickness. To which he so kindly passed on to me.
I am still in the midst of my half marathon training. Due to me being very sick last week I only got 2 runs in because I couldn't get out of bed except to go to work. We are suppose to do 8 miles on saturday.....I am scared, but trying to mentally prepare myself. I know it has to be done to make it to 13.1. I still shudder every time I say "13.1" Again....Sometimes I have no idea what I was thinking. But alas! I have paid, so I will run.....or die while doing it!
I just have to say, that I can not stand when people feel the need to correct your spelling on REALLY annoys me. I know I am not a good speller, or what I type may not always be grammatically correct....but there is such a thing as auto correct on my phone that sometimes takes over my typing and I dont double check before posting.....also last time I checked I graduated college 2.5 years ago and I am not writing a college paper...And yes I did got to college so I should be grammatically correct and know how to spell....but last time I checked I got a degree in nursing, not teaching. Plus, may I add that my "New Teacher of the Year" husband misspelled a word on our Christmas card last happens is my point. To everyone. So stop. Or I will delete you :)...Just saying. If it annoys you that much, just hide me. Wheew.....glad I got that off my chest! I feel better now.
I must now get up and unpack from this weekend and do some laundry. Hope everyone had a safe labor day!!! One the bright side most of you only have 4 work days this week....I still only have 3 ;) they joys of being a nurse!
I would like to take this time and thank my co-workers for, once again, talking me into something that is supposed to "fun" that ended up being not so fun....I need to stop listening to them. I am still having nightmares of the river at Mud Mania. It was one of those "sounded like a good idea at the time" moments.
Some of us at work did The Color Run in Birmingham. It was suppose to be "fun". They even call is "the happiest 5k on the planet" was more like "the biggest wet t-shirt contest on the planet" Unfortunately because it was raining so bad I dont have any pictures to show you. We didnt want to risk our phones in the rain. It wasn't pretty. I am sure, if it would not have been storming, it would have been alot of fun. I could have even had fun in a drizzle, But the pouring down rain, changing my wet clothes in the parking lot behind a towel, and riding home with no dry undergarments in my reach....not my idea of fun. But like I said, rain could have been fun and we would have stayed to enjoy it because they had music and dancing and pictures and all that cool stuff, and maybe in my younger years I might have not cared. But I embraced the rain long enough to endure the run it self and got the heck out of there! Thanks again to the Reeds (Camille's bro and sister-in-law) for letting me spend the weekend with them and their families! It was so sweet of them to let me stay with them in their new home.
I have had an interesting week at work, although I can't go into details there is never a dull moment in L&D....totally lives up to my favorite quote from the ever famous Dr. Malone "Labor and Delivery consist of hours of bordom followed by sheer moments of terror" totally describes my work week. Even after 2 years I am still trying to learn to let things go when it comes to my patients, and just be the best nurse I can be for them.
Eric started with his new class about month ago. He has a cute little class that already loves him....he has already come home with some stories and sickness. To which he so kindly passed on to me.
I am still in the midst of my half marathon training. Due to me being very sick last week I only got 2 runs in because I couldn't get out of bed except to go to work. We are suppose to do 8 miles on saturday.....I am scared, but trying to mentally prepare myself. I know it has to be done to make it to 13.1. I still shudder every time I say "13.1" Again....Sometimes I have no idea what I was thinking. But alas! I have paid, so I will run.....or die while doing it!
I just have to say, that I can not stand when people feel the need to correct your spelling on REALLY annoys me. I know I am not a good speller, or what I type may not always be grammatically correct....but there is such a thing as auto correct on my phone that sometimes takes over my typing and I dont double check before posting.....also last time I checked I graduated college 2.5 years ago and I am not writing a college paper...And yes I did got to college so I should be grammatically correct and know how to spell....but last time I checked I got a degree in nursing, not teaching. Plus, may I add that my "New Teacher of the Year" husband misspelled a word on our Christmas card last happens is my point. To everyone. So stop. Or I will delete you :)...Just saying. If it annoys you that much, just hide me. Wheew.....glad I got that off my chest! I feel better now.
I must now get up and unpack from this weekend and do some laundry. Hope everyone had a safe labor day!!! One the bright side most of you only have 4 work days this week....I still only have 3 ;) they joys of being a nurse!
Monday, July 30, 2012
Fill in the blank Friday....on usual
I always forget to go look at Lauren's blog on Friday to fill out the blanks...So I always end up do this on Monday. Typical.
So here they are!
1. I am a Jesus follower, a wife, a daughter, a sister, a nurse, cupcake lover .
2. I have always loved going new places. It must come from all the traveling I did as a child. It's the Army brat in me .
3. I hope to one day be a mommy.
4. I can take my arms linked behind my back and bring them to the front without disconnecting them...true story. I can delivery a baby
5. I dream of being a mom, having a wonderful relationship with my children taking them places and doing things with them, and running a marathon.
6. The way to my heart is through acts of service. I love it when I come home knowing there is stuff that I have to get done and Eric has already done it.
7. I am passionate about my job. I may complain about it, or have a bad day, but I LOVE what I do. I love being able to give new mommies the birth experience they dreamed of. I thank them for allowing me to be apart of such a special part of their lives .
Thursday, July 26, 2012
26 things
Eric's birthday is Saturday! He will be 26...hard to believe we have been together since he was 18....almost 10 years!! Wow! So for Eric's birthday I am going to write 26 things I love about him! I am doing it today because I work tonight and will probably forget tomorrow =)
26. He has gotten better about trying new foods and new places to eat.
25. He watched all of my trashy tv with me (he even gets into it sometime)
24. He takes care of all the icky stuff around the house that I can't stand to do (ie trash, dishes, bugs)
23. He mows the grass.
22. He is decent at a few different sports, which is good because I want our kids to be well rounded.
21. He loves Disney world
20. If there is a deal to be made, Eric can find a way to make it. He is great to take when you are buying a car, or tv
19. When I was in high school he came to all 4 of my dinner theatre shows, and most of the football games. He even wore a shirt that said " I am with the white girl on Color Guard" to all the football games. It was pretty much the coolest shirt ever!
18. He likes my 3rd love.....Harry Potter. He will watch them over, and over, and over again with me.
17. He cried the day we got married =)
16. He will find the good in someone before the bad
15. He gives people the benefit of the doubt.
14. He goes through phases with food...its funny to me. Oreos, chocolate chip cookies, wheat thins, swiss cake rolls ect....right now its chocolate milk =)
13. Eric has a totall "go big or go home" attitude.....he cant do something small. It has to be bigger and better then everything else
12. He only excepts the top of the line...this can be a good or a bad thing
11. He pretty stylish
10. He can grill pretty much anything
9. He loves our Knox and Ellie...and they love him
8. He always tells me dinner is good...unless its just not
7. He is a morning person....lord knows one of us has to be
6. He can't wait to be a daddy
5. He can make me matter what.
4. He can pretty much talk to ANYONE! Which can come in handy sometimes
3. He loves children....and they love him
2. He loves his parents
1. He loves Jesus, and prays for our family all the time.
extra for good luck: He helps people remember the most important times in their lives through his pictures.
There you go!! Happy Birthday Eric! Hope you have a wonderful day!!
26. He has gotten better about trying new foods and new places to eat.
25. He watched all of my trashy tv with me (he even gets into it sometime)
24. He takes care of all the icky stuff around the house that I can't stand to do (ie trash, dishes, bugs)
23. He mows the grass.
22. He is decent at a few different sports, which is good because I want our kids to be well rounded.
21. He loves Disney world
20. If there is a deal to be made, Eric can find a way to make it. He is great to take when you are buying a car, or tv
19. When I was in high school he came to all 4 of my dinner theatre shows, and most of the football games. He even wore a shirt that said " I am with the white girl on Color Guard" to all the football games. It was pretty much the coolest shirt ever!
18. He likes my 3rd love.....Harry Potter. He will watch them over, and over, and over again with me.
17. He cried the day we got married =)
16. He will find the good in someone before the bad
15. He gives people the benefit of the doubt.
14. He goes through phases with food...its funny to me. Oreos, chocolate chip cookies, wheat thins, swiss cake rolls ect....right now its chocolate milk =)
13. Eric has a totall "go big or go home" attitude.....he cant do something small. It has to be bigger and better then everything else
12. He only excepts the top of the line...this can be a good or a bad thing
11. He pretty stylish
10. He can grill pretty much anything
9. He loves our Knox and Ellie...and they love him
8. He always tells me dinner is good...unless its just not
7. He is a morning person....lord knows one of us has to be
6. He can't wait to be a daddy
5. He can make me matter what.
4. He can pretty much talk to ANYONE! Which can come in handy sometimes
3. He loves children....and they love him
2. He loves his parents
1. He loves Jesus, and prays for our family all the time.
extra for good luck: He helps people remember the most important times in their lives through his pictures.
There you go!! Happy Birthday Eric! Hope you have a wonderful day!!
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Soo... I have never really been the type to put every bit of my business out to the public on Facebook...I usually just tell the people who need to know or ask and leave it at that. But since people have been curious and asking questions I thought it would just be easier to just try to answer all the questions in one place.
Recently I went to my normal GYN appointment and had my normal exam, with the normal blood work drawn and everything looked normal. Later I got a phone call from my midwife....(want to be honest, my heart skipped a beat and I almost didn't answer it because I think I would have been in a state of shock if she were to tell me I was pregnant, even though I knew there was a slim chance of this being true) she told me that everything was normal, I was not pregnant(sigh) but that my platelets were low. My first thought was not really a big deal right now, it's just low platelets. But she went on to tell me it may not be a problem now, but it would be a problem when I did decide to get pregnant. Just for thoughs who dont know, a normal level is 150, mine at this time were 86. She suggested I get a redraw in a month or so with a primary doc (which I had still failed to find a primary doc after leaving Martin Army), mentioned the fact that I might have ITP, ideopathic thrombocytopenia purpura. Basically for one reason or another my body destroys my platelets. Finally went and saw a primary physician, went through any other possible signs and symptoms, drew some more labs, called me back a week later and told me my platelets were up, but still low at 107, and that they were going to refer me to an oncologist/hemtologist at John B. Amos.
That brings us to yesterday. I knew I would be having several blood test done so I brought Eric with me because I don't handle my own blood very well (crazy thing is I deal with others blood all the time and it never bothers me) When we went and talked to the doctor, he basically explained the diagnosis of ITP, that is is a excluding disease basically you rule out every other cause for low platelets, then you come the the diagnosis of ITP. Another issue they are looking at is if my blooding clotting properly, and if not then why. The main things that could be the cause would be Leukemia, or lupus, along with some other things. I AM NOT showing ANY signs of any of this, nor does the doctor think this is the cause, but like I said, to rule it out as a cause. I have been tested for this in 2008 and tested negative for all of this. I don't want anyone to think I have this. Is it a possibility, I guess, but the doctor says there is a 5% chance. I am not worried about it, so therefore I don't want anyone else to either. In my opinion there is no reason to worry about something that I don't think I have to begin with. If something secondary comes up will deal and treat what needs to be treated.
I think when the doctor mentioned the secondary causes, it freaked Eric out a little. It's a little scary when a doctor says they are testing you for cancer, but reassuring when they say there is a small (very VERY SMALL) chance. Anyways, 3 hrs and 12 tubes of blood later, I have to go back in 3 weeks for a follow up and find out the results. The great news is my levels are not so low that's have to be put on steroid treatment. He said I would even be safe enough to go into surgery if I needed it. So as long as there is no other underlying cause, I will be fine. We will deal with the issue during pregnancy when the time comes. I want to be as healthy as possible before getting pregnant, which is the main reason I wanted to get checked now. I appreciate all the concern and prayers. It seems as if we scared some people, which was not our intention at all, just asking for prayers. If we scared you, because you had no idea, we do apologize. We are of course praying that all of the test will come back negative as we expect them too. I feel great, I am still running every week ( even if it is a walk/run), and feel completely normal.
Like I said thank you to all who have thought about me and prayed for us. I'm truly blessed to have this many people think of me!
Recently I went to my normal GYN appointment and had my normal exam, with the normal blood work drawn and everything looked normal. Later I got a phone call from my midwife....(want to be honest, my heart skipped a beat and I almost didn't answer it because I think I would have been in a state of shock if she were to tell me I was pregnant, even though I knew there was a slim chance of this being true) she told me that everything was normal, I was not pregnant(sigh) but that my platelets were low. My first thought was not really a big deal right now, it's just low platelets. But she went on to tell me it may not be a problem now, but it would be a problem when I did decide to get pregnant. Just for thoughs who dont know, a normal level is 150, mine at this time were 86. She suggested I get a redraw in a month or so with a primary doc (which I had still failed to find a primary doc after leaving Martin Army), mentioned the fact that I might have ITP, ideopathic thrombocytopenia purpura. Basically for one reason or another my body destroys my platelets. Finally went and saw a primary physician, went through any other possible signs and symptoms, drew some more labs, called me back a week later and told me my platelets were up, but still low at 107, and that they were going to refer me to an oncologist/hemtologist at John B. Amos.
That brings us to yesterday. I knew I would be having several blood test done so I brought Eric with me because I don't handle my own blood very well (crazy thing is I deal with others blood all the time and it never bothers me) When we went and talked to the doctor, he basically explained the diagnosis of ITP, that is is a excluding disease basically you rule out every other cause for low platelets, then you come the the diagnosis of ITP. Another issue they are looking at is if my blooding clotting properly, and if not then why. The main things that could be the cause would be Leukemia, or lupus, along with some other things. I AM NOT showing ANY signs of any of this, nor does the doctor think this is the cause, but like I said, to rule it out as a cause. I have been tested for this in 2008 and tested negative for all of this. I don't want anyone to think I have this. Is it a possibility, I guess, but the doctor says there is a 5% chance. I am not worried about it, so therefore I don't want anyone else to either. In my opinion there is no reason to worry about something that I don't think I have to begin with. If something secondary comes up will deal and treat what needs to be treated.
I think when the doctor mentioned the secondary causes, it freaked Eric out a little. It's a little scary when a doctor says they are testing you for cancer, but reassuring when they say there is a small (very VERY SMALL) chance. Anyways, 3 hrs and 12 tubes of blood later, I have to go back in 3 weeks for a follow up and find out the results. The great news is my levels are not so low that's have to be put on steroid treatment. He said I would even be safe enough to go into surgery if I needed it. So as long as there is no other underlying cause, I will be fine. We will deal with the issue during pregnancy when the time comes. I want to be as healthy as possible before getting pregnant, which is the main reason I wanted to get checked now. I appreciate all the concern and prayers. It seems as if we scared some people, which was not our intention at all, just asking for prayers. If we scared you, because you had no idea, we do apologize. We are of course praying that all of the test will come back negative as we expect them too. I feel great, I am still running every week ( even if it is a walk/run), and feel completely normal.
Like I said thank you to all who have thought about me and prayed for us. I'm truly blessed to have this many people think of me!
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Just a little randomness....
Haven't written in a while so I figured I would throw on out there for ya, you know for all those readers out there that are just sitting at their computers waiting to read the profound thoughts I have running through me.
- I am struggling with my addiction to's bad. I see one, I want one. I hear someone open one, I want one. I eat pizza, popcorn, pretty much anything....and I want one. I have only had 1 in 8 days after the hellacious 5k on Friday night and that point I felt so bad that water would have just not been enough, and since I dont drink I indulged in a coke.
- I want EVERYDAY!!!
- I am craving chocolate all the time. I even resorted to melting the chocolate syrup (that had been in my fridge probably since we got married) and put it on my strawberries for desert tonight...not the healthiest thing in the world....but its cheeper then driving all the way to chill, paying for chill, and driving all the way home. If I were rich I would install my own personal frozen yogurt machine in our house...true story.
- Speaking of our house we just celebrated a year in our home. YAY us! The financial obligation of a home is more the I expected but worth it at the same time. It makes Eric and I talk about the finances, which I think is essential in a marriage.
- I have been saying that I needed to find a summer camp for Eric to go to this summer to occupy his time....well he found it, golf. He seems to always to go for expensive hobbies....started off with his car when we first started dating...then it was hunting, photography, computers, now golf....whatever! Atleast he has something to do!
- I like the show Sister Wives. I find it interesting, although I could never have a sister wife or be a sister wife.
- I love our youth at our church. I love our church in general, but I love our youth. Mostly because I have changed the diapers of about 4 of them. They are more committed, and helpful, and generous then I have seen our youth in a long time. I watched them serve the neighborhood around our church so unselfishly. If you dont know anything about my church, it is located on 2nd ave, and in a low income, high crime area. Alot of the people are not necessarily clean, fed or up kept. But they put themselves aside and served these people who had a need. I wish I could have been that open to serve at that age. I was just not up for it at that age. I also realized looking around that this was alot of my patient population at my job. People dont realize that most of the women that our having children are not married, and already living under the poverty level. Lots of opportunity to serve!
- Knox is obsessed with Eric....this morning he wouldn't even eat his breakfast till Eric got out of bed...
- Eric just asked if we had any chocolate... a man after my own heart!!
- Had a platelet issue lately that has concerned me...they have been really low. Had to go and get a redraw last Monday and they were up to 107!! PTL! YAY! Still waiting to see if my doctor wants me to see a specialist but I am happy its not so low I am in true danger at the moment.
- BTW I post my runs on FB not so you can see it and know I am exercising, or to get attention (although the encouraging comments are welcome =) I am doing for my own motivation...dont hate. If it annoys you then hide me...its ok. It's not like I will know anyways. Plus I find it funny that the same people that say it annoys them post the same kind of stuff too.
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Day 732!!!
732.....thats how many days we have been married!! 2 years ago today, after 3 years of planning and 5 years together, I walked down the aisle to my handsome, CRYING groom. =) He will never live that crying thing down.... it was sweet though and part of our day that I will never forget.
Take it from someone who watch all of her friends have boyfriend after boyfriend, while I couldn't even get one guy to like me, thought I would be 30 before I got married....To get married at 22 and have my husband cry at the sight of me walking down the aisle was priceless. Not to mention it made all of my friends a good way.

In the next we have some exciting things planned!! I am doing my first half marathon in November. Hoping to also go on another trip or 2.....and go sky read that right. I am calling it my mid20's crisis!! (you know instead of a midlife crisis??) I dont even know if a mid20s crisis exist but everyone keeps telling me that I should do a few exciting things before children...these are just a few of the things I would like to do .... if I am going to jump out of a plane my mother said I needed to before I have kids.....I think I will listen to her... Happy Annaversary Eric!! I love you Pookie Bears!!! To many more!
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
I am married to the BEST New Teacher of the Year!!
A couple of months ago Eric came home and told me that his peers had nominated him for New Teacher of the Year. He came home a few weeks ago and told me that he had been nominated to the top 4! I didn't even know this award existed! Last night he was chosen out of the top 4 for the award! We were so proud! He worked so hard!
I can't even believe he is done with his first year! I feel like yesterday we were just hoping he would get a job after several weeks of nothing, even being brushed off by one principle that told him she didn't hire new teachers at her school. Well, last night when we got his award, the lady's signature was on his award. Touche! She apparently had no idea who she let walk out her door.
I knew Eric would be a great teacher, I mean lets face it, Eric is a child himself. But more then just that. I rarely hear teachers talk about their students the way Eric does (no offense to any of my teacher friends, I guess I am a little particle). Every where we go he tells people about his students. He genuinely loves those kids and wants them to succeed not to make him look good, but to make them better. Most of all he defends them, and I have never heard him say anything bad or mean about them. I think every child deserves to have a teacher that loves them, defends them, see potential in them, and believes in them.
He had six kids leave, six more new kids come. He has had a few with some challenges and one that could barley speak english when she started. When he came home and told me all of this at the beginning of the year I thought he was in over his head, that this was going to be a rough year. But I underestimated him. He embraced it and took it in stride and that child who could barely speak english at the beginning of the year is now reading on almost a 3rd grade reading level. He did the impossible and made reading FUN!! I hated reading until I was in high school. These kids are in the first grade and reading chapter books!! I didn't pick up a chapter book till I was in the 4th grade!! He got 16 iPod touches, and 6 iPads funded for his classroom, as well as hundreds of books, along with some of our own money to make sure the kids had the books they needed for the year. He also had almost every child in his class pass their CRCT.
Overall I believe that he deserved this award. I didn't know the other teachers that were nominated, but I am sure they were great teachers mostly because they were nominated.
I am so proud of him! I still can't believe its almost summer break! I am still accepting any ideas for summer activities for Eric!! =) He is going to be terrible bored. I am afraid one day I will wake up and my house will be some crazy color, or my kitchen table painted black, or a new animal in my house. Who knows! We will start in a few weeks preparing his classroom for the next year.
Thanks to everyone who congratulated Eric and supported us in our careers. We could have done it without the support of our parents through out our college years!
Way to go Eric! I love you pookie!!
I can't even believe he is done with his first year! I feel like yesterday we were just hoping he would get a job after several weeks of nothing, even being brushed off by one principle that told him she didn't hire new teachers at her school. Well, last night when we got his award, the lady's signature was on his award. Touche! She apparently had no idea who she let walk out her door.
I knew Eric would be a great teacher, I mean lets face it, Eric is a child himself. But more then just that. I rarely hear teachers talk about their students the way Eric does (no offense to any of my teacher friends, I guess I am a little particle). Every where we go he tells people about his students. He genuinely loves those kids and wants them to succeed not to make him look good, but to make them better. Most of all he defends them, and I have never heard him say anything bad or mean about them. I think every child deserves to have a teacher that loves them, defends them, see potential in them, and believes in them.
He had six kids leave, six more new kids come. He has had a few with some challenges and one that could barley speak english when she started. When he came home and told me all of this at the beginning of the year I thought he was in over his head, that this was going to be a rough year. But I underestimated him. He embraced it and took it in stride and that child who could barely speak english at the beginning of the year is now reading on almost a 3rd grade reading level. He did the impossible and made reading FUN!! I hated reading until I was in high school. These kids are in the first grade and reading chapter books!! I didn't pick up a chapter book till I was in the 4th grade!! He got 16 iPod touches, and 6 iPads funded for his classroom, as well as hundreds of books, along with some of our own money to make sure the kids had the books they needed for the year. He also had almost every child in his class pass their CRCT.
Overall I believe that he deserved this award. I didn't know the other teachers that were nominated, but I am sure they were great teachers mostly because they were nominated.
I am so proud of him! I still can't believe its almost summer break! I am still accepting any ideas for summer activities for Eric!! =) He is going to be terrible bored. I am afraid one day I will wake up and my house will be some crazy color, or my kitchen table painted black, or a new animal in my house. Who knows! We will start in a few weeks preparing his classroom for the next year.
Thanks to everyone who congratulated Eric and supported us in our careers. We could have done it without the support of our parents through out our college years!
Way to go Eric! I love you pookie!!
Friday, May 18, 2012
Fill in the Blank Friday!
Yay!!! It's Friday!! Which means nothing to me btw. When you work in a 24/7 operation TGIF means NOTHING!! But for those of you that is does, here are some cheerful blanks!
1. Something that is very near and dear to my heart is, marriage. No offense to my parents or grandparents, but my family doesn't have a good reputation when it comes to marriage. I am bound and determined to make mine work, no matter what it takes!
2. Today. is good cause to celebrate . Tonight is Relay for Life where we are going to celebrate LIFE after cancer and remember the ones we lost. Its a great time to fellowship and get together!
3. The most fun I ever had was its hard to say, but recently it was our Honeymoon and going to Disney World .
4. True friends are the ones where no topic is off-limits and you can always pick up where you left off even if there's a time lapse between visits .
5. Something that makes me terribly happy is Going anywhere out of town with Eric, either new or somewhere we have been before . I just like going places!
6. A good way to spend a sunny day is with an ice drink out by a pool or lake. I wished I lived near a lake.
7. My favorite celebratory food is cake! I love cake! Anything with cake is a good reason to celebrate. I can never pass up cake.
Blanks and picture from Lauren
I just got back from a cruise with my mom and sister. It was fun, but I did miss my husband! He told me on the way home that he had some surprises for me....that he moved some stuff around and got some things changed (he had a habit of doing things like this when he gets bored!) I came home and he had a bow on my car tire. He had when out and got me some much needed new tires (i was told i needed some about a month ago) and came in and he had gotten the carpets cleaned (which was much needed too!) and kept the house clean while I was gone! I knew I picked a good one! He even told me that he made the bed everyday and he enjoyed it!! He should have never told me that, because now I am going to hold him to that. Hehe! For now though I am up to my ears in my own laundry and I have to go back to work on Saturday after being off for 10 days....Booo. Se what I mean....TGIF....I dont know what that means anymore. What I do know is that when all for you have to get up on Monday morning I get to stay in bed!! =)
Friday, May 11, 2012
Going on vacation.....if they let me on the boat!!
So I am excited about going on this cruise. But since last week things keep working against me. Started last week when I decided out of the blue to look for my passport...Its kinda gone all down hill from there.
In other news I have decided to start training this summer for a half marathon. I know...who would have thought?? Just incase you dont know a half marathon is 13.1 miles. Its like me running from my house in Ellerslie to my mom's house on Moon Rd!!!! I am scared. Mostly of failing. But I have a knack of accomplishing things I want to do when I put my mind to it, even when people tell me I can't, or its hard, or stupid. I guess I just like proving people wrong. The only thing is it cost more money then I ever thought it would. Once you buy the shoes, the clothes, then pay for the cost. Not to mention the training. A patient asked me a while back what I did for fun, or if I had any hobbies....the sad thing is I couldn't give her an answer!!! Sad! I realized outside of work I really didn't have anything to do!! I mean I paint, and sew, but not as a part of a group or anything. I just taught myself and when I feel up to it I do it. And Eric has his photography, which I can tell you, is way more expensive then some running shoes!
The half marathon I plan on running is the week before Thanksgiving and is called The Solider Marathon. Not sure what exactly it benefits, but its kinda cool because you pick a fallen solider and run in honor of them. I have an idea who I am going to run in honor of, but I haven't asked yet. I want to run in honor of someone I have some kind of connection to. Anyways, I'm excited. I know its going to be hard, and its going to push me to physical and mental limits that I have never been to before. But if I could get through nursing school while planning a wedding, mentally I feel like I can do anything! Plus I feel like it will prepare me for other things I want in life.....
I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! Go and love on your mamma!!
- Last Tuesday....realized my passport was not where I usually keep it. Eric and I looked for 2 hrs tearing apart the house looking for it. No where to be found. I am usually smart about these things. I was sick to my stomach for 2 days coming to the realization that I wasn't going to find it. So I am going to show up tomorrow with my other documents and hope they let me on!!! Not to mention let me come back!!!
- I sick!!! Some kind of sinus junk....just what I need getting on a cramp boat breathing everyone else's air....yay.
- I decided, like a dummy, to go to body pump after not going for 2 weeks. Now I am sore all over.
- Knox chewed up my ipod holder and my headphones yesterday. I think he was jealous because I have gone for "walks" without him.
In other news I have decided to start training this summer for a half marathon. I know...who would have thought?? Just incase you dont know a half marathon is 13.1 miles. Its like me running from my house in Ellerslie to my mom's house on Moon Rd!!!! I am scared. Mostly of failing. But I have a knack of accomplishing things I want to do when I put my mind to it, even when people tell me I can't, or its hard, or stupid. I guess I just like proving people wrong. The only thing is it cost more money then I ever thought it would. Once you buy the shoes, the clothes, then pay for the cost. Not to mention the training. A patient asked me a while back what I did for fun, or if I had any hobbies....the sad thing is I couldn't give her an answer!!! Sad! I realized outside of work I really didn't have anything to do!! I mean I paint, and sew, but not as a part of a group or anything. I just taught myself and when I feel up to it I do it. And Eric has his photography, which I can tell you, is way more expensive then some running shoes!
The half marathon I plan on running is the week before Thanksgiving and is called The Solider Marathon. Not sure what exactly it benefits, but its kinda cool because you pick a fallen solider and run in honor of them. I have an idea who I am going to run in honor of, but I haven't asked yet. I want to run in honor of someone I have some kind of connection to. Anyways, I'm excited. I know its going to be hard, and its going to push me to physical and mental limits that I have never been to before. But if I could get through nursing school while planning a wedding, mentally I feel like I can do anything! Plus I feel like it will prepare me for other things I want in life.....
I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! Go and love on your mamma!!
Fill in the Blank Friday
This weeks blanks are health related. Kinda fitting since it is Nurses Appreciation Week :)
1. On a scale from 1-10 the frequency with which I get sick is, a one. Even as a child I was never really sick, I usually have one bad cold a year....infant last year I dont think I had something that lasted more then a day. Working in a hospital, even though i dont typically work with sick patients, I am constantly washing my hands....maybe that has something to do with it.
2. The last time I felt sick was today.Of course days before I leave on vacation I get sick....could have been last week.
3. The worst part about being sick is the lack of energy you have because I still have to what I would normally (Go to work, school when I was in school, clean house, whatever)
4. When I am sick I like to be taken care of by Left to lay in bed.
5. Something I do to keep myself healthy is nothing really. I mean I wash my hands regularly just because of my job. Other then that I really dont take any supplements or anything....I should be taking a multivitamin though but they tend to make me sick more then do anything good for me.
6. A secret remedy that I use when I'm sick is to depends on the sickness. If I have a cold I drink hot tea with honey and lemon, nauseous I drink ginger ale or sprite. I also usually take something to help me sleep...sleep is very important.
7. One thing that always makes me feel better when I'm sick is a sprite, chicken noodle soup and a movie.
Monday, April 23, 2012
First 5K!! And other stuff....
That's right folks, you can now add runner to the adjectives to describe me! You can also add that to the list of things people told me I would never do. Don't you just love it when people tell you that you can't do something...OOO that just makes me want to do it more just to prove them wrong! I can't stand it.
Anyways.... I trained for 2 weeks....I wasn't very long. Not to mention 5 of those days I was out of town and probably ate like I had never seen food before And I am not going to sit here and say I ran the whole 3.2 miles....because I didn't. But I did run the first mile then I had to stop, run, stop, run till the end. I said to myself...."self, if you finish this in 45min you did darn good" HA!! I did better the THAT!! I finished in 41min!! Last in my age group, last in my group over all (my counter parts finished 10-15min before me) but I just dont care. I finished. Oh and there was a was a big hill. I have to hand it the Wynnton Methodist. This thing was well planed and organized. Totally thankful for the free food and drink afterward and the free goodies in my bag. Also thankfull to have great friends/coworkers cheering me on at the finish line. So lucky I have coworkers that I can also call friends.
Also want to take some time to mention the loss of Eric's PopPop. Although he was 84 you would have never guessed or known. He was active, he traveled, drove, volunteered, had a spotless house and a perfectly cut yard. He lived a full life till the end. He left this world how we would all hope we would, and for that I can't be sad. He didn't have to suffer, or be dependent on anyone. We all deserve that.
Thats all for now! Hope everyone has a good week!
Anyways.... I trained for 2 weeks....I wasn't very long. Not to mention 5 of those days I was out of town and probably ate like I had never seen food before And I am not going to sit here and say I ran the whole 3.2 miles....because I didn't. But I did run the first mile then I had to stop, run, stop, run till the end. I said to myself...."self, if you finish this in 45min you did darn good" HA!! I did better the THAT!! I finished in 41min!! Last in my age group, last in my group over all (my counter parts finished 10-15min before me) but I just dont care. I finished. Oh and there was a was a big hill. I have to hand it the Wynnton Methodist. This thing was well planed and organized. Totally thankful for the free food and drink afterward and the free goodies in my bag. Also thankfull to have great friends/coworkers cheering me on at the finish line. So lucky I have coworkers that I can also call friends.
Also want to take some time to mention the loss of Eric's PopPop. Although he was 84 you would have never guessed or known. He was active, he traveled, drove, volunteered, had a spotless house and a perfectly cut yard. He lived a full life till the end. He left this world how we would all hope we would, and for that I can't be sad. He didn't have to suffer, or be dependent on anyone. We all deserve that.
Thats all for now! Hope everyone has a good week!
Monday, April 2, 2012
Mud Mania- "It sounded like a good idea at the time!"
umm....yeah. My friend Leia and I were in the first mile of this GOD AWEFUL course when she asked "why are we doing this?" As I replied "it sounded like a good idea at the time!!"
Now you might be asking what is Mud Mania??? It is a 5k through mud..... Here is 30sec of what I went through Here!
oh and they forgot to mention the mile long river that came up to my waste that I would have to trek down going opposite of the very strong current.....yeah
This wasn't just any mud....this was the kind of mud that would suck your shoes right off your feet.
I also forgot to include the obsticles. Like the 10ft wall I had to scale, tires, cargo net you had to climb across....I forgot all the others. All I got to say it was HARD!!! I think it was the hardest physical thing I have ever done. I told my sister that I think i would have rather given birth unmedicated (which I plan on doing anyway....but thats another story)
This is the start!!
Now you might be asking what is Mud Mania??? It is a 5k through mud..... Here is 30sec of what I went through Here!
oh and they forgot to mention the mile long river that came up to my waste that I would have to trek down going opposite of the very strong current.....yeah
This wasn't just any mud....this was the kind of mud that would suck your shoes right off your feet.
I also forgot to include the obsticles. Like the 10ft wall I had to scale, tires, cargo net you had to climb across....I forgot all the others. All I got to say it was HARD!!! I think it was the hardest physical thing I have ever done. I told my sister that I think i would have rather given birth unmedicated (which I plan on doing anyway....but thats another story)
This is the start!!
Were so excited.....we (I) had no idea what we were getting ourselves into....OMG....
It started out with this slide
I go the the bottom of this slide where I managed to slam into someone....the 2 men twice my size slammed into hurt....still feeling that one.
Eventually we got to the river of death....I am telling you is was horrible. What made it even worse was the water was soo muddy you couldn't even see your feet so you would randomly step on a tree (or atleast I hope it was a tree)or a sink hole and just fall. The only good thing about it was that is cooled us off.
As my friend Pam said I think this is the only time I smiled the whole time...
After this I lost my group because I had to stop and attempt to get the inch of mud out of my did not work. I ended up finishing the race alone. But I FINISHED!!! No one thought I would....mostly myself...but I did. I finished last....but I finished my first 5 k ever!!! I dont have my official time, but I know it was atleast and 1:30min...who cares I finished!!
yep thats me....that small black dot...all alone!
Now dont get me wrong. I am glad I did it. I did have fun with friends. And look I didn't even get that dirty! (thanks the that darn river!) YAY for team building and stronger bonds! Love these girls!
If this dude can do it I have no excuses!!! And neither do YOU!!
I will now prepare myself for next year
- all terrain water shoes are a must
- be prepared for the water
- keep up with the team
- only one person down the slide at a time.
pictures courtesy of Mud Mania on Facebook
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
random thoughts....I know....
I decided to go through our clothes yesterday....putting up all of the winter clothes, some of which I never even got to wear because it never got cold. I was kinda sad about that.
That was not even what was on the floor, or the rest I pulled our of the closet. I went though and got a pile started of stuff I am giving away. I cant believe I still have clothes from high school. It kinda makes me sad that I have this many clothes that I cant even possibly wear all of them in one season, yet so many have much less.
People have told me that they cant believe I went and saw the Hunger Games. Why would I want to watch kids kill kids....all I have to say is if you would have read the books you would understand its not like that
It is based in the time after the United States has been destroyed and is now called Panam. They are divided into 13 districts, all have special industries that they are know for and have to supply the capitol with. They are poor and starving, while the capitol is thriving and rich. The 13 district rebels and tries to over throw the capitol and the capitol in turn destroys the district so now there is only 12. As a result of the rebellion the capitol invented The Hunger Games where 2 kids from each district are given up to the capitol and made to fight to the death till 1 survives. Not to mention it is on live tv. Its kinda like their version of the olympics to the death. It is sick. But if you keep reading you will realize they know its ridiculous too and try to stop this. Its kinda like us trying to fight to keep the government from controlling us....thats what they are trying to do as well. And in Katniss' defense.....she didn't kill anyone that wasn't trying to kill her. Just saying. Not to mention the love triangle. And I have to throw in that I still Love my Harry Potter. I will get off my soap box now.
I cooked everyday last week....go me!!!
Being an adult is not fun sometimes. I miss being 15, when I thought my life was stress full, but really was so simple.
I know I posted this on my facebook. But I was watching 16 and pregnant....this girl said she wanted to be a nurse so she could have a fancy car and a big, fancy house. Like I said, has she talked to a real nurse?? We are not rich, and most of us live in normal houses and drive normal cars, and are not rich by any means. I guess I should realize it was coming from a 16 year old mom. I hope she can do it though.
I need a pair of running shoes since Know chewed up my other pair.
I have a friend going on a mission trip to Hati and a leader from TA's that is moving them and their three children to Africa. What faith they have. I wish I could go and do something like that. To hear the calling and move to a different country to spread the word is amazing to me. What faith and guts and faith! SO excited for them.
The next six weeks I am working nothing but 3 in a row shifts...I have no idea what I was thinking!
I am also working April 13....Friday the 13....Oh Lord!
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