Monday, June 6, 2011

DAY 366!!! YAY!!! has FINALLY been a year (hence the blog post numbered by days)  since Eric and I have have wedded. And I say finally like I have been waiting for it or something. Truth being it totally snuck up in me. Just incase you don't already know Eric and I dated for 5 and a half years before we got married and engaged for almost 3, which was way longer then almost all of our friends. Now those years seem like they came and went. I guess cause I was so busy with school and everything.  I started hard core planning about 2 years before, while working and going to nursing school. It was crazy. But coming from a divorced home I was determined that I was not going to just jump into a marriage to have a wedding. I wish more people took the details and time they take to prepare for a wedding and spend that time on preparing for the actual marriage. In saying that, one thing I wish Eric and I would have done was pre-marital counseling. I think it would have prevented some arguments.
So much has changed. I mean people told me it would be hard, and the whole "you never really know someone till you live with them".....which is true. I know I have said it before, marriage is work. I it really is. Its not glamorous and butterflies and kisses all the time. I mean it is sometimes. But day to day life....its just not. I can say living with Eric, there is never a dull moment. One of the things I love about him is that no matter how mad I am, he always finds a way to make me laugh. He always helps me see the other side of situations. He overall makes me a better person, even if he drives me nuts sometimes. 

So incase you havent seen my post on facebook, we are buying a house!! YAY! I have to hand it to Eric. He has done just about everything to get us into a house. Going to the bank (several times), talking to the relater, researching houses, making appointments, and what ever else had to be done. He has done it all! I cant handle it. Its too stressful for me. I just said yes, or no. So we are suppose to close on Thursday, and we are ready!!! Pictures and updates to come!

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