Sunday, July 17, 2011

Things I LOVE today!

Can I just tell you that I LOVE our pastor. Not only for the man he is and the example he is for our church but mainly because I know when I come to listen to him he is speaking directly from what God has told him. I have been to churches where there is a set program every week, or places where they have their sermons planned out for the year. When I hear a sermon I want to to be something God has told the person to share with us. I love how this morning he had he sermon planned out for us and God lead him in another direction and he listened. How awesome is it that God can change our plans and what can happen when we listen. I wish I was more like that.
We have such a great church family, not to brag or anything. It gives me peace knowing the kind of people that will one day (in a few years =) help me raise our kids. They will have such wonderful people teaching the and being examples to them. They will be blessed little ones.

On another note....this dog is a hoot. Right now he is trying to figure out how to get a chewy and a bone in his mouth at the same time. He doesn't like going outside, but when he goes outside he doesn't want to come back in. He is good though....for now....till he chews up a shoe or the legs on my dining room table.....patience Dara.....patience. I am trying to learn. But honestly for the nightmare I thought this would isn't yet. I hope it stays that way. Something tells me it wont stay that way.
Ellie still wont come out and meet him. But she will have to come around. I love her but she will have to get over herself if you know what I mean.

I want to also say that I LOVE my coworkers. I couldn't ask for a better group of women that are outstanding at what they do and still after a year willing to put up with my moments of insecurity and lack of confidence and who have my back. Its sometimes hard working with all women, and we have a times that we get on each others nerves but what family doesn't =).
Happy Sunday!

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