Thursday, July 21, 2011


Some random things for today....

  • My poor cat will not come out from under the bed. Only when the dog is gone or she feels like eating. This, more then anything in a long time, is making me sad. I miss her
  • I have been off for 6 days now, 5 more to go, and my house is still not clean. I blame the dog. =)
  • Is annoyed by the fact that just because I have been married a year that I am expected to get pregnant....why?? I mean what is the deal in the south with having babies at 22. Cant I wait if i choose and everyone be excited for that???
  • I went and saw Harry Potter.....again....last night. =)
  • I saw a guy I went to elementary school with the other day. He was not exactly nice to me. He was checking me out at a store. I got in his line before I realized who it was.  He noticed my tends to get me noticed. too bad I couldn't remember his...his name tag was turned around. "Were you Dara Davies??' (me) "Yes." (Guy) "Wow you look completely different!!!" (me) " Well I hope so since that was 11 years ago." (guy) "And your married!" (me) "yeah" (guy) "So what do you do??" (me) "I'm a nurse" guy "dang"....not the nice kind....the kind of dang that would have been followed by " I would have never guess that you would have been smart enough to do that"....I probably am over exaggerating......but I mean come on did he still expect me to have glasses, braces and bad hair and clothes too??? Thats kinda where the conversation ended. 
  • I love online shopping and getting stuff in the mail makes it feel like Christmas in July
  • Here's the deal....If I decide to delete you from Facebook........don't confront me about it. Just except the fact that I don't want to you to know my business or Facebook stock me. And its probably your fault because you were rude.....and I don't up with that. Get over it. Life will go on. I promise. 
  • I have been baking homemade goodies and freezing them. I was bored a few days ago am my mother in law gave me a whole bunch of I made peach cobbler. I hope my girls at work will like it.
  • I have been dong quiet times in our baby room. =)
  • I am so thankful for's darn hot!!!
  • I hate that the squirrels are enjoying my bird feeder more then the birds.
  • I got a massage yesterday. It was blissful.
  • We are currently praying for God to open up the next door for Eric. We will be ok if he cant get a job teaching, but on the other end, we really want a job teaching. I think its sad that none of our other jobs would exist without teachers, but yet our teachers cant find jobs, or they are cutting their jobs. Instead of cutting teachers jobs and wages, the people making those decisions should cut their obnoxious wages so that our children can be properly educated and our teachers can do their jobs. We are praying, and waiting, and dropping off resumes, and praying. Thats all we can do at this point. 

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