Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Poor Knox poo!!!

Knox got neutered Tuesday.....I feel so bad for him. But personally I can't stand to look at a all of that....and I didn't want him to have the deflated balloon coin purse look. Its just gross. I dropped him off that morning, poor baby, he will go with anyone. He just thought he was going to play. He left going to the  back tail wagging and everything.
When Eric brought him home he was still wagging his tail.....with his poor cone on....

He was still happy. He wanted to play and eat just like normal. Like nothing had happened. He did not, however, care for the collar. He wanted it off. But he was still smiling, and that made me feel better.
He did give me this look today. Like "Mom can you PLLLEEAASSSEE take me out of this thing"??? Poor baby....

So I gave his a chewy. He tried chewing on a bone he has had for around a week but that wasn't working out so well. But he did like the chewy. 
Now we just have to spend 2 weeks in this collar....that has to stink.

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